Released June 14, 2022
NCARB has migrated the delivery of the Architect Registration Examination® (ARE®) 5.0 to better support licensure candidates. With this new vendor, we expect you will experience several benefits, including more scheduling flexibility and free rescheduling.
With the migration to PSI, there are now more physical test centers available, and the option to test online is still available through PSI's Bridge. The exam's content, structure, and tools have not changed as a part of the migration. Find more information about how to schedule with PSI, including detailed videos.
Free Practice Exams
NCARB has created free ARE 5.0 practice exams to provide all candidates with access to affordable, high-quality materials to prepare for the ARE. The fully scored, full-length exams include one version of each division of the ARE and are available in the "Exams" tab of your NCARB Record. Just click on the Practice Exam Dashboard link near the bottom of your Exams tab.
Updated Score Reports
The information provided on failing ARE 5.0 score reports has been enhanced to include clearer feedback on failed division performance, so you better understand where you need to improve before retaking a division. Check out more information about the new score report.
Rescheduling and Cancellation Fees
The move to PSI has allowed NCARB to reduce rescheduling fees and introduce the option to cancel an exam appointment up to one hour before the appointment. Rescheduling appointments can be done at no cost up to 48 hours before an in-person appointment or 24 hours before an online appointment. You also now have the option to cancel your appointment up to one (1) hour before your scheduled appointment time—this allows you to keep your exam seat (seat credit) for a $100 fee. The updated scheduling and rescheduling policies can be found in the ARE 5.0 Guidelines.
Final ARE 5.0 Guidelines
The final ARE 5.0 Guidelines for testing with PSI are now available. The content from previous versions of the ARE 5.0 Guidelines for testing with Prometric has been fully updated and merged with content from the ARE 5.0 Handbook, so everything you need to prepare for the exam is all in one place—including important policies as well as information about what you'll be tested on!
Find more information about the PSI migration, scheduling changes, new score reports, and testing resources.
Find more information about the PSI migration, scheduling changes, new score reports, and testing resources.
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