An Intro to Construction & Evaluation (CE)




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    Michelle Canniff

    I'm looking for sources to confirm the difference between CMC-Adviser and CMC-Agent. (I read differences in Arch's Handbook and Kaplan, wondering if others think this too?)


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    Gregory Brown

    I might be mistaken, however I believe these are similar. CMa vs. CMc. There is an owner’s agent and an owners advisor. Check to see if the (CSI Manual of Practice). This book may differentiate the Agent / Advisor role? Thinking about this - I believe the Advisor is similar to an Owner’s representative and the Agent role may differ only by way of the depths to which the person interacts with administration, and financial pay applications from a contractor.

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    Derrick Payne Payne (Edited )

    An agent for the owner is the eyes and ears of the owner and with that you attend OAC (owner architect contractor) meetings usually on site or in this day and age teleconferencing, you advise the GC and or architect after you discuss with the owner never "impromptu" unless you are empowered to do so. It is more of a hands on role whereas the adviser may be tasked with reviewing contract documents and advising the owner. Thing is I have been in the role of an agent for the owner and there is very little difference. However your boundaries would be spelled out in your contract with owner as rep which both are.

    Perhaps one could state one is hands on while the other is document review only with no integration with construction interaction, however in practice more often than not it is both.

    This is an ambiguous question and subject to the end agreement no clear black and white definition this should not be an exam question because in practicum its pointless to differentiate between the two as it is based on parameters spelled out in your agreement with the owner.The real question is why does our profession have to be so convoluted with exam questions like this?

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    Luis Rivera Padilla

    The commentator voice ( I don't know if it is an AI voice ) is not the appropriate one for these videos because it drops the volume of the voice at the end of every word or the end of every phrase and it is difficult to follow when you are listening, it is difficult to get along with it. It looks like being out of air in the reading of the exercises. Please consider to change it or to make the correction you consider best.

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    James Laine

    What year is used for AIA contact documents in the ARE 5.0? 2007 or 2017?

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