NCARB Migration to PSI: Status Please...
Can someone over there please update me as to the -current- (as of Feb 14, 2022) status of the migration to PSI? I have two exams already prepaid with Prometric, and need to schedule a third, however I don't want to put more money into them if you're going to come back and tell me that in 90 days we're moving...
Also, I know you have the ''ARE Update: ARE Migration to PSI" document located here:
Currently this post is -four months- old and it makes planning and investing my ARE funds very difficult when I still don't have a clear indication of the expected move and when you'll pull the plug on Prometric.
Some guidance and regular monthly updates of that document would be very useful.
Official comment
Hi All,
NCARB will be emailing all candidates within the next week or two with more information on the migration from Prometric to PSI. We are still planning to provide ARE candidates at least three months’ notice of the official launch date.
Comment actions -
Hi Sean,
The link you provided is not the latest communication on the PSI migration. Please see this post.
NCARB is currently in the process of completing systems integration testing with PSI. As soon as all systems are properly integrated and successfully tested, we will make an official announcement on the launch date (minimum of three months’ notice). Currently, all ARE candidates can schedule with Prometric through May 31st. We are still on track to migrate to PSI in the late-spring/early-summer timeframe but have not determined an official migration date at this time.
Expect more information on the migration to PSI in early March.
NCARB, can you please address the lack of appointment availability for both in-person and online testing?
We realize that the PSI migration is a complex process, but you're leaving us all hanging in limbo in the meantime. For online testing, the earliest availability has been a month out - and even then, the only available times are typically in the middle of the night; and for in-person testing, even those of us in large cities are sometimes waiting months. In at least one instance, due to lack of availability, a candidate is contemplating the need to travel to another country for testing.
With sights are set on the PSI migration, please don't neglect those of us still jumping through hoops with Prometric.
Hi Matthew,
Thank you for your comment. A few things to note about scheduling with Prometric, timeslots are filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Prometric doesn't just deliver the ARE, they deliver hundreds of other exams for organizations just like NCARB. Spring is a very busy time for testing so you may need to adjust your search criteria within the Prometric scheduler.
With that being said, if you provide us information on the market that you are struggling to find an exam seat in, we will reach out to Prometric directly to see if they can address the issue.
NCARB, thank you, but we know this. And adjusting search criteria is how we are aware that there is no availability for, sometimes, months. It's incredibly problematic that NCARB continues to assert that the reason candidates often cannot find reasonable availability is due to our own inability to competently utilize Prometric's scheduler.
I plan to test online. But for reference, I am located in Atlanta - a metro area of over 6 million. Last I checked, the soonest availability for in-person testing within a reasonable distance (<50 miles) was 8 weeks out. A candidate located in NYC recently commented regarding a similar experience. For the candidate who may be forced to travel outside the country for testing, I am not aware of his location. These are merely examples I'm aware of offhand.
It's good to see that reasonable availability appears to have been added for online testing. However, that hadn't been the case when myself and others were asking about the issue over the course of the past month. It's frustrating to have been expressing these concerns for weeks, and only receiving a response now that times have been added.
Why is May the last available month to schedule with Prometric if the complete PSI migration has not happened yet and there is currently no official launch date?
Will more appointments to test with Prometric become available past May 2022, since it's currently March and we still don't have an official launch date for PSI??
(As stated in this article: Intro to PSI , we will have three months to continue to test with Prometric once an official launch date has been announced. So am I correct in assuming that more appointments to test with Prometric will become available past May 2022?)
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