Ballast ARE 5 Review Manual Questions & BCI



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    Yasmin Bazargan

    soley means only contractor and not other person (like architect, attorney, ....)

    claims of subs (attorney can review)

    field report to owner (architect does too)

    selection of subs (sometimes architect and owner dont like a specific sub and give their input to contractor)

    scaffolding is 100% related to contractor only 

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    Peter Mall (Edited )

    Example 50.3: the correct answer is A) field reports to owner

    Note: the answer stated as "C) Scaffolding" is a typo which appears on earlier publications of Ballast and has been updated since.

    Edit: Scaffolding is part of the means of construction, which is the contractor's responsibility. Field Reports are the responsibility of the architect. Selection of subcontractors is subject to the approval of both the architect and the owner. If a subcontractor makes a claim to the contractor, the contractor in turn makes a claim to the owner that is reviewed by the architect.

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    Juan Fable

    Thank you Yasmin and Peter for the responses. these are helpful, I was trying to find the 'addenda' for this Ballast but couldn't find it. Do you happen to know where I can find those?

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    Yijun Wu

    I believe the 50.3 question should erase "NOT" and the correct answer can be scaffolding, which is solely contractor's responsibility.

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