CE Pass - study strategy for IPAL students and recent graduates



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    Anna Slowey

    Marissa, congrats! Glad to see more of your division-specific posts making their way to the forum. Thanks for the Ballast 4.0 chapters you found helpful - I'm realizing I may need to expand my 5.0 Ballast chapters to include the equivalent chapters you outlined above (46, 47, 48 in addition to the CE specific 49, 50, 51).

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    Marissa Yee

    Hi Anna,

    Thanks for reading! It seems a few of the division specific posts I wrote two weeks ago had been deleted. So, I'm in the process of getting them all back up - hopefully within the next few days.

    Yes, the Ballast 4.0 chapters 48-52 are certainly applicable to CE. I also read Chapter 2 - Environmental Analysis and Project Planning, and Chapter 53 - Project and Practice Management in preparation for PjM and PcM. If you have a little extra time on your hands, reading these additional chapters can't hurt.

    Good luck on your exams!

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    Nicholas Hubof

    Man I wish we had the option to test back when I was in school. Back then you couldn't test until your IDP hours were done.

    We read the whole ASHPP book over 10 years ago in a graduate class and here I am reading it again and it's all new to me again!

    Congrats on getting your tests done early!!!

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