Testing Internationally



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    Erik Fendik (Edited )

    Thank you Joan you for this update. I am under the impression that Prometric testing centers in Canadian locations have offered ARE 5.0 in the past (see comments in https://are5community.ncarb.org/hc/en-us/community/posts/115007928708-Prometric-International-Locations).


    Since this more recent list does not include any Canadian locations, can you please confirm that Toronto, Ontario, Canada is still included?


    If you can update the original post, perhaps you can simply list "Canada, multiple locations" to clear up any confusion future users might have. This particular post is featured as the first "featured post" in the community topics (https://are5community.ncarb.org/hc/en-us/community/topics). Thanks for the clarification.

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    The best way to determine the Prometric test centers currently delivering the ARE is to access the Prometric scheduler through your NCARB record then enter the location in which you'd like to test.  

    The ARE is currently delivered in Ontario in Toronto, Pointe-Claire, London, Hamilton, Mississauga, and Ottawa.  It is also delivered in Vancouver, Edmonton, Regina (Saskatchewan), Dartmouth (Nova Scotia), Winnipeg (Manitoba), St. John's (Newfoundland), and Saskatoon (Saskatchewan).

    As of this week, the ARE is also being delivered in Switzerland.  In addition to the international test centers listed on this community previously, this rounds out NCARB's international list. 

    It is always best to use the Prometric scheduler through your NCARB record to access the list of available test centers.  Keep in mind, all Prometric test centers do not offer professional exams, so simply accessing a list of Prometric test centers elsewhere won't necessarily give you the answers you need.  In addition, if a test center closes, it will no longer be available on the Prometric scheduler.

    I hope this helps.  



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    Erik Fendik (Edited )

    Hi Joan,

    Yes, this helps. Thank you.

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    Eric Dempsey

    Hong Kong testing center unavailable.  


    Hi all,

    It seems now the Hong Kong testing center is unavailable.  See attached screen shot.  I called Prometric and they were unable to provide any info or confirmation.  They recommended contacting NCARB.  Is anyone else experiencing this problem? I'm reading a few posts from people complaining about the speed and connectivity in the Hong Kong testing center.  Perhaps they've gone offline until the problems are resolved?  


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    Eric Dempsey

    The HK testing center is back online.  Seems the Prometric website had a bug momentarily.  I was able to book my exam no issue.  

    Happy to report I passed the ARE5.0 Project Management test.  The system did shut down 4 times throughout the test.  Rebooting sacrificed some precious time...  Not sure if this problem is unique to the HK testing center.  I was just barely able to complete the last question before the clock ran out.  

    On to the next test!  Feeling, PcM, PjM, and CE all pair well together.  

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    Carly Dean

    Hi Joan,


    You say that the tests are starting to be available in Switzerland, and I see a testing facility in Geneva, but no test dates are available after September 2019. I am looking for any date October-December and I see them all grayed out. Does this mean that the testing facility is closing this fall? I would hope not! I am living in Switzerland so having a testing facility in Geneva, or better, in Basel or Zurich would be much appreciated.

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    You should be able to schedule an exam for after October 9. You won’t be able to schedule a date between September 30 and October 9 due to system updates.


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    Thomas Paugam

    Hi Joan,

    Is there any plans to add additional international test centers in France?
    This would be very helpful.

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    I've reached out to Prometric regarding test centers in France. I'll post an update when I receive a response.  



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    Carly Dean

    Hi Joan,


    I waited until October 10 to sign up for an exam in Geneva like you said, but now the testing facility is just not listed as an option.

    Does this mean that the ARE is officially not offered in Switzerland anymore? Is there a chance the Geneva location will open back up or maybe be replaced by one in Zurich or Basel? 

    Thanks in advance for your insight. Fingers crossed!

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    Eric Dempsey

    Hi everyone,

    It looks like the test is now available in Shanghai & Nanjing!!  Can anyone please confirm?  I'm scouring the NCARB website for the news release.  Perhaps prometric is ahead of things.  I'm was scheduling my next test on the Prometric website and discovered this.  Is it true?  

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    joanparos (Edited )


    I have an email into Prometric regarding Switzerland test centers and will update you when I receive more information.



    Yes, the ARE is now delivered in Nanjing and Shanghai.  Prometric adds ARE delivery to test centers at NCARB's request, as long as the security measures in place at the specific test centers meet NCARB's requirements. The last email we sent announcing test center additions was in May.  Here is the complete list of test centers added.  

    • Argentina: Buenos Aires
    • Australia: Sydney, Perth, and Melbourne
    • Bahrain: Manama
    • Brazil: Brasilia and Rio de Janeiro
    • Canada: Many centers throughout the country
    • China: Beijing, Jinan, Nanjing, and Shanghai
    • England: London
    • Germany: Berlin and Frankfurt
    • Greece: Athens
    • Hong Kong: Kowloon
    • Italy: Rome
    • Kuwait: Kuwait City
    • New Zealand: Auckland
    • Spain: Madrid
    • Qatar: Doha
    • United Arab Emirates: Abu Dhabi and Dubai


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    Eric Dempsey

    Excellent news!! Thanks Joan!


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    Carly Dean

    Thanks Joan,


    Looking forward to your response. I have three other friends who work at the same firm as me in Basel and we would be eager for a testing facility here :) 




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    Asli Tusavul

    Hi Joan, 

    After seeing many locations were added to the testing center list, just wanted to ask if Turkey (Istanbul or Ankara) might be added to this list in the near future as well? 

    Thank you in advance for your insights!  



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    Smita Lukose

    Hi Joan, 

    So great to see that the testing centers are expanding internationally. Are there any plans to include test centers in India?(Bangalore, Mumbai or Delhi) Seeing that many international firms have locations in India, it would be great if there are!



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    Asli & Smita,

    I've added Turkey and India to the list of options to review with Prometric.  I'm currently working on adding more US locations for those candidates who don't have convenient access to test centers.  We can only do what Prometric is able to make available, and the security process is an important consideration.  The test centers we move into have to meet NCARB's security requirements. 

    I'll post an update when I have more information.



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    Asli Tusavul

    Hi Joan, 

    Thank you! It would be great to be able to take exams from Turkey! 

    Looking forward to hearing the update. 



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    Carly Dean

    Hi Joan,

    Sorry to ask again, but did you receive any update on the status of the Geneva testing location?


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    The Geneva test center terminated its contract with Prometric.  I am working with Prometric to add a test center in Zurich.  I will update you when I have more information.


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    Carly Dean

    Thanks Joan,

    Zurich would be great! I was hoping to take my test in the next month. Is there a chance this facility will be ready soon or should I look into other Europe locations?

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    Prometric is planning to be ready in Zurich in November.  I'll post an update when I receive confirmation.


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    Smita Lukose

    Thank you so much, Joan! It would be great if I can start taking exams in India. 

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    Hanyun Huang

    Hello. Would there be a center in Paris, France? Thank you.

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    I've made the request of Prometric and will update when I have more information.


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    Joongho Lee

    Hi Joan,

    Is there any plans to add additional international test centers in Amsterdam or Rotterdam? It would be very helpful.

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    Suhan Na



    as Joongho mentioned, it would be great to have a test center either in Amsterdam or Rotterdam. Holland is such an international country where people with different backgrounds come to work. 

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    I've put in a request with Prometric to add Amsterdam to the list of international test centers delivering the ARE.  I'll post on the Community when candidates are able to begin scheduling exams there. There is not an available center in Rotterdam.  


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    Hyoseon Park (Edited )

    Thanks, Joan,


    It would be really great if Amsterdam center is available for the exam.

    My colleagues and I always have to go to London or Frankfurt ;)

    I believe there would be more candidates than we expect, since there are international architecture companies in Rotterdam/ Amsterdam. 


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    Asli Tusavul

    Hi Joan, 

    On the exam scheduling website, Ankara (Turkey) is now listed as an international test center. 

    I appreciate your help on this, thank you again! 



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