PDD- Fifth failure(passed other 5 in 1-2 attempts)
I am so frustrated with this testing process I am questioning being in this field. The only thing keeping me going with these test is that I am near the end of this nightmare and I passed the other test fairly easily, but I cant get past the PDD exam. I keep failing the construction documentation portion every time. Worse thing is the Construction documentation portion seems to be the area that nationally people do the best on. I tried a different set of study material and failed all but one of the divisions this time, the worse I had done yet of 5 attempts . Passed the others in 1-2 times. I need help and I am not sure where to start.
Richard, I'm 7 fails deep with pdd. Just hit "lucky" 7 yesterday. Yesterday was hands down the hardest version of PDD I'd ever taken. Honestly that version I took yesterday seemed like everything was a pre-test questions. Either questions I had were in parts of the code that we literally never reference as practicing architects or biased questions on what conversations to have with the client. I've read and purchased ALL of the books and most of the stuff on that exam, I'd never seen in any book. (And there's about 50 books to read lol)
When I did pass PPD and PA, it took my 8 fails to finally get a pass. I did nothing but focus on CDs, this was the portion I too keep failing and I still failed. It sucks...it really does. My advice, don't spend too much time studying since you've tested so many times just do practice questions and still live your life. Act like money grows in your back yard and keep retesting if you really want this. This ncarb process is all about money. So we gotta spend it if we want it.
I was reading a post on here where someone said to charge ncarb to follow you day to day and then they know you are an architect. It's so true, we all know a person that somehow got their license first try but they don't know ANYTHING. We got this, we just have to spend all of our money to get it. That's the key, spend your money if you really want it and don't listen to other peoples advice and don't tell anyone in your family you are testing. A really popular 3-party test prep person told me I am "failing miserable" and I should give up. I've been at this thing since 2013, that's almost an 8 year old child. I'm not giving this child up haha but I will tell you one thing, I cannot WAIT until I can break up this relationship I've had with ncarb over the years. This is the longest relationship I've ever had with another person, lol. I've been faithful but I cannot say the same for these exams I continually feel cheated.
If you feel defeated try Young Architect, I did it and failed but honestly a great platform to study with others who may be similar to you and learn how they answer/dissect questions. Its all about mastering test taking. Hope this helps. But I'm with you.
This will be my 16 time (something like that.. I lost count tbh) in total for all my exams. I still have PA PPD PDD
https://discord.gg/rTrQV5mbkgCome join us. We keep each other company and support each other. Don't let the smartass kick our butt. We will get this done! Keep at it!
I’d encourage you NOT TO GIVE UP! I looked at my updated score reports (even folks who finished the ARE awhile ago have had there old failed score reports updated.) I failed PPD by approximately 6 points?!
I’d be interested in looking at your score reports.
The new score reports were quite revealing. I was shocked to learn that PDD was actually a more difficult exam for me. I do think that the study materials I was using at that point were inadequate. Perhaps what you are using is inadequate too.I only had two fails total throughout my ARE pricess, but it did provide me a lot of insight that helps me teach my clients so they can pass more efficiently.
I have also been analyzing my clients score reports. The new reports indicate that you now need 68% correct to pass PDD. And I just had a client fail by three or four points. She literally passed every section of PPD except for one small section that was worth 8 - 14% and they still failed her. But she scored very low in that section.
I’m wondering how much professional experience do you have?
Getting familiar with several building types set of cds would be helpful.
Feel free to message me, I'd be interested in helping you. hello@stepuparchitecture.com
I think you can pass this exam, but you need to switch up the way that you’re studying and possibly your mindset too.
Rebekka O'Melia, Registered Architect, NCARB, B. Arch, M. Ed, Step UP, Step UP ARE 5.0 Courses
Richard, I am so sorry that you have struggled this much. It seems unfair. Many of us had to take each of these exams multiple times to pass... Look at the average completion time. It is 2.7 years! So you are definitely not alone. You just have to go back to what made you start this journey and look for your original motivation. Even if you were one exam in, I would still suggest the same, but you have passed 5 of them already. It shows your hard work, knowledge, and tenacity. So go back to your starting point and find your initial motivation to keep going. I am sure you had good reasons to start this process, and they will give you the boost you need.
Also, I totally agree with what Ariana said here. Don't listen to anyone if they try to undermine your outstanding achievements. It is not theirs to decide whether you should give up or not. Please let me know if you want to discuss what you have studied so far in detail, so maybe I can be more helpful. My email is info@arequestions.com.
Best of luck, and I really hope you and everyone else who has put so much hard work into this pass soon.
Richard, I feel your pain, I have taken more exams then I care to admit to. But much like you I am on my final exam after 6 years of taken exams and having issues with this last oen as well. I have asked myself why am I doing this, but at the end I always come up with the same answer... this is what I want and I have come this far.... You can and WILL do this, just keep the faith.
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