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    Brett Bowers

    You won't encounter too many CSI-specific questions for CE, beyond a general familiarity with the divisions (especially 00-01, and understanding SectionFormat) and a familiarity with the overall process.

    CSI has a YouTube channel, including a series titled Intro to Construction Contract Administration that may be worth spending some time listening to. Generally, I'd spend more time being sure you are comfortable navigating specifications and understanding how they relate to drawing sets and schedules. 

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    Rebekka O'Melia (Edited )

    I'd memorize the division headings, for sure.  This site is helpful because you can click on each division and browse.  https://www.4specs.com/

    You should have a general understanding of what is in each Division.  So for example, Divsion 07 Thermal and Moisture Protection.  Not only should you memorize the heading, but you should understand that this division includes roofing materials, insulation, waterproofing, exterior siding, roof hatches, etc.

    Go through the Handbook and the Demo exam too, as there are questions related to CSI in there.

    Hope this helps!

    Rebekka O'Melia, Registered Architect, NCARB, B. Arch, M. Ed, Step UP,  Step UP ARE 5.0 Courses

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