3rd Fail and don't know where to go from here.



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    Kirsten Solberg

    Hi Branden,

    It sounds like you are doing everything right!  I'd suggest adding the Hyperfine PA exams to your studies if you haven't already. Elif's ARE Questions are also highly recommended for passing PA.   

    You are so close, good luck!  


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    Rebekka O'Melia

    It sounds like you have exam problems rather than content problems.  Try to get some help and take a different approach next time.  I thought PA was a lot of analytical puzzles.  You definitely need a better strategy.

    PA was my favorite exam!  It's different than the other exams and I took it last and passed it on the first try.  I was so joyful to be DONE!  <You will be too.>.  

    Feel free to contact me.

    Rebekka O'Melia, Registered Architect, NCARB, B. Arch, M. Ed, Step UP,  Step UP ARE 5.0 Courses


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    Kirill Aleksandrov

    Just took/passed this one yesterday - found it to be among my less favorite exams and finished with only 10-15 mins to spare...('Dear NCARB' letter is in the works)

    My unprofessional opinion is that if your material knowledge is there, it is likely the approach/evaluation of the questions. I would double check the assumption of knowledge though - not sure what info NCARB provides if test wasn't passed - maybe there are still knowledge holes than need plugging.

    Cut scores aren't very high, so each additional correct answer might just get you a Pass - I'd suggest to be more systematic and taking more time on the questions (but definitely keep an eye on that clock), and cut down to what are the actual questions /their objective.

    Some things that work for me (I know these are obvious, but missing a question can be as easy as misreading it...)

    • Multiple choice - multiple items: confirm number of correct answers and, if unsure of the right items, eliminate the most obvious first. I like to do a quick validation after I've selected the items to make sure they still satisfy individual criteria of the question.
    • Multiple choice - singles: it's a Highlander moment - there can be only one - understand the question and select the item that satisfies most conditions, if correct answer isn't immediately obvious - it's a little like picking your favorite child - just have to be methodical about it :D.
    • Single question vignettes - understand adjacency requirements, sometimes I just use a quick sketch on Whiteboard to put my thoughts down. When done - validate selection/layout with what question is asking and that each requirement is satisfied.
    • Calculations - I generally try not to rush through these, it can be easy to omit things if you are not paying attention, especially on the site evaluation questions.
    • Case Studies - take time to understand the description, it sometimes has a directive that would impact answer to questions down the road and also, if you misunderstand the project - you may not have the correct basis for the answers. If the project is unusual, ignore the novelty and just focus on objectives. I found that supplemental materials could be a pain, it may help to give them a quick looksy just to get familiar w/info that's in there before answering the questions.

    Anyway, don't know if this is of any help, but that's all I got.

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    Brett Bowers

    Kirill - Relative to the vignette questions, I've seen mention before about how to rotate items; is the objective in some cases related to correctly orienting an item on a map/topography? I'm just trying to understand the context in which items may need to be rotated, so that I can better prepare for this exam. I have PA coming up next.

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    Kirill Aleksandrov

    I actually haven't encountered questions where you could rotate items (none that I remember anyway) - it has been straight drag and drop of a predetermined object onto the site. I believe the software just has a certain area identified as a 'right' answer and if the object you've dropped is somewhere within that area, it's considered correct - that's all. Because I don't have the break-out of which questions I've gotten right and which ones I didn't, it's hard to tell how I did on those items though.

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    Rebekka O'Melia

    I believe you can rotate items.  You have to right click with the mouse and flyout appears.

    Rebekka O'Melia, Registered Architect, NCARB, B. Arch, M. Ed, Step UP,  Step UP ARE 5.0 Courses

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    Brett Bowers

    Right, but under what circumstances would a vignette item *need* to be rotated? Are questions formatted in a way that it must be done to get credited for the correct answer? Or does the ability to rotate exist for a different reason?

    NCARB, could you please provide clarification on this?

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    Rebekka O'Melia (Edited )

    When it's a piece of equipment or structural item that needs to be placed somewhere.

    Rebekka O'Melia, Registered Architect, NCARB, B. Arch, M. Ed, Step UP,  Step UP ARE 5.0 Courses

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    Brett Bowers

    Thanks - For further clarification, is that applicable only to PPD & PPD? Based on Kirill's explanation, it doesn't sound like there's anything like that on the PA exam. Just trying to get a better idea of what to prepare for and anticipate.

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    Rebekka O'Melia

    No, it could be used on any ARE.

    Rebekka O'Melia, Registered Architect, NCARB, B. Arch, M. Ed, Step UP,  Step UP ARE 5.0 Courses

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    Avneet Kaur (Edited )

    Hi Branden Adams . I am in the same boat. I failed my fourth attempt of PA this week and it is my last one. i am feeling lost too. Not sure where to start again. I have been over and over for all the recommended resources including Amber book, hyperfine, Elif's quizz, Site planning, AGS and many more. 
    Really looking some advice!

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    Branden Adams

    I just simply took this month completely off and figured I would start back in April. If I find that magic lamp I've been searching for and finally pass this exam, I'll share my thoughts.

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    Regina Amirova

    Hi Branden. I failed my exam yesterday and this was my 8th (!) attempt. this is also my last exam and I don't know what to do. If you find a good solution, please share!

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    Alyssa Jang

    PA is my last exam.
    Just hit my 3rd likely to fail. Which we all know is a fail.
    Feeling so defeated yet again.
    With the new online testing, (unlike pro metric) I couldn’t even whisper reading out questions, and I could not use my ear plugs. With noisy kids as neighbors, I found this very distracting… and as English as my second language, I couldn’t believe I couldn’t even whisper to my self…..

    They also made a big fuss about me touching my face giving me warnings that they will end the exam. :(

    I’ve done elif, amber, hyperfine, bought and read thru all recommended books….ballast. Ppi2… so much money and time spent.

    At this point I too am so lost on how to strategically move forward……..

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    Rebekka O'Melia (Edited )

    You should retake it asap.  Definitely do in-person next time - that sounds awful!  

    Why is touching your face an issue?  

    I used the noise-cancelling headphones in person.  I find noise distracting too.

    It sounds like you had exam problems, rather than an issue with competency or content.  There are lots of strategies for this.    

    Reread ballast, read the Programming book, Site Design Handbook.  Keep doing lots of practice exams. Read the questions & answers 2xs, even when studying.  Keep studying & get help, new materials, etc.  

    Good luck!

    Rebekka O'Melia, Registered Architect, NCARB, B. Arch, M. Ed, Step UP,  Step UP ARE 5.0 Courses

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    Branden Adams


    That's sound like a extremely stressful testing experience (No one would have passed) I would definitely contact NCARB to bring the moderator behavior up. I agree with Rebekka schedule again and test in Person if you have the ability to, I understand the ESL speaking to yourself. I'm English speaking and still read the question out loud and mouth it to make sure I'm understanding the questions.

    Keep it up, I'm neck deep studying for it one more time and hopefully i can help anyone else along this path.

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    Ngoc Tran

    Just took for the 5th time & "likely fail!"  I thought I knew the topic pretty well, and in my head I think that I nailed it this time!  So frustrated and don't know how to proceed... 

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