ON GOD The whiteboard tool is atrocious. If NCARB really isn’t going to let us have something as simple as scratch paper then at least make the substitution have an intuitive interface without and glitches. I’ve taken two exams so far and both times it behaved differently and had glitches throughout the duration of both tests. Not to mention it’s a complete time suck. It’s an embarrassment. Just let us have scratch paper.
Agreed! Not giving architect candidates a pencil and paper is ridiculous!
I think NCARB could have selected a stylus pen/mouse to make things easier for everyone.
It's just another hurdle you need to jump over to pass! I feel your pain... Practice using it in the demo exam.
Rebekka O'Melia, Registered Architect, NCARB, B. Arch, M. Ed, Step UP, Step UP ARE 5.0 Courses
The white board is an atrocity and it's discriminatory to left-handed people. This seems like it's all due to online testing and the need to make it the same rules across the board, even for in-person. I think there should be different rules for at-home and in-person tests. If you take the test in-person you should be allowed test-center-provided scratch paper and a pencil. I took the CE test at a Pro-metric center today and they basically frisked and probed me more than TSA would. I think a #2 pencil and (1)piece of scratch paper would be a welcome benefit for going through that process. The white board must be stopped.
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