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    rebekkak (Edited )

    Agreed!  Not giving architect candidates a pencil and paper is ridiculous!

    I think NCARB could have selected a stylus pen/mouse to make things easier for everyone.  

    It's just another hurdle you need to jump over to pass!  I feel your pain...  Practice using it in the demo exam.

    Rebekka O'Melia, Registered Architect, NCARB, B. Arch, M. Ed, Step UP, Step UP ARE 5.0 Courses

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    Stephen Mullins

    The white board is an atrocity and it's discriminatory to left-handed people. This seems like it's all due to online testing and the need to make it the same rules across the board, even for in-person. I think there should be different rules for at-home and in-person tests. If you take the test in-person you should be allowed test-center-provided scratch paper and a pencil. I took the CE test at a Pro-metric center today and they basically frisked and probed me more than TSA would. I think a #2 pencil and (1)piece of scratch paper would be a welcome benefit for going through that process. The white board must be stopped.

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    George Murillo

    Let's not give future architects pencils and paper to help become "Architects".  Brilliant.

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    Aiden Humphrey

    Agreed - paper and pencil are a natural extension of our thinking space. The digital replica is not. It slows us down and is not intuitively accessible. Let the test center give us pre-approved scratch paper and pencils like the candidates who came before us.

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