What is the fire rating required between occupancies?
A bank shares a wall with a courtroom in an un-sprinklered building. That wall must be rated to _______ hours.
No rating required
1-hour rating
2-hour rating
4-hour rating
You are encouraged to Google the building code liberally, as we will consider this a searchable case study practice question.
Click here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AhCTH0psMfM&list=PLRqQUel8W0R71cVQvIkcQ529D93rr2ggh&index=8 to watch my video answer.
- Determine the occupancy group:
A Bank is in Business Group B:
A court room us in Assembly Group A-3:
- Find the separation required between Group B and A-3 occupancy groups for a NS building:
Gang Chen, Author, AIA, LEED AP BD+C (GreenExamEducation.com)
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