Zoom of other virtual study group?
I was wondering if anyone was aware of any virtual study groups. Still have to figure out which section I'm going to do first, but just seeing if they are out there first. I'm fairly certain there are not many people in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan studying, except for my coworker in a different office.
I was thinking it would just be a group that would get together periodically to study or just share ideas. It would definitely be evening but probably not super late EST night. Probably also during EST day on Saturday but not Sunday. Was thinking it would be somewhat informal. I may have one other person in my same time zone in my firm but I would have to ask him. It would also be geared toward the whole thing as since they are all related, it makes sense to study for them all at once.
I'm not sure what you mean by BS as I don't think that is one I have to do, I don't remember all the abbreviations right now but there are six in the US and I don't think that's one of them. They also all cost the same here. I'm not sure which I'm going to do first, I am going to study for them all at once, as is recommended by many, I don't have eligibility to test yet just want to start studying. I will get my zoom account re-set up probably this weekend. You and other interested parties can put their email here for a link.
BS = Black Spectacles. It's a 3rd party exam materials. See my e-mail below:
I am starting a zoom study group for PCM/PJM exams oct 8; I am looking for ppl who maybe interested. Time of meet ups will be 9:00 am (West coast). the plan is to take both exams the last week of January. If you or anyone is interested let me know and I can send out zoom link via email.
What exactly do you mean by study group? I was just thinking to bounce ideas off of each other and study kinda on our own time, that works best for me. Not exactly sure when I'm gonna take things yet. Also not sure if that time works anyway in a Friday as I'm EST and am still kinda in work mode during lunch time
Hi Jorge, It would be great if I can join too. Not really sure how to contact you, but here is my email. alkubaisy.d@gmail.com. Thank you :D
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