Prometric Center Testing Issues – What you NEED to know as a test taker.



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    Hi Lindsey,

    I have forwarded your information to our Customer Relations team, and someone will be reaching out to you to discuss your exam issue.

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    Shin Yee Siek

    Thank you so much for sharing your experience and recommended action. I hope there will be more people who share their experience of technical issue at the test center or online testing. I will be doing an online testing and it is kind of nerve breaking to think that 20% of the testers had experienced technical difficulty. I can definately feel your frustration, as NCARB policy does not seem fair to the testers as a result of the technical issue. Hopefully NCARB will review their policy in this aspect. 

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    Lindsey Stinson


    NCARB customer relations team reached out to me and clarified that some of the information I was initially given was incorrect. I was told multiple times that the majority of the test was 25%. I questioned this at the time but the that was the answer I kept receiving.  I was told today that majority is considered 75%. This obviously makes more sense and is more understandable. 

    I was also told once the switch from Prometric to PSI happens in January, this information will become more readily available. The point of my post was to tell you all these things since they were not detailed this specifically in the ARE guidelines. Hopefully they clearly post this information early next year.

    I still do feel there should be some kind of resolution for candidates that have these unfortunate circumstances happen during a test. While a free seat credit is nice, I'm more concerned about the 60 day wait time and official fail on my record on how that impacts my path to licensure.

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    Michael Riscica

    Don’t call it a “free” seat credit. You paid a lot of money to take that test. It’s not free.

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    Kathy Miller

    I had technical and computer difficulties in a prometric facility in March just prior to CoVid. The Prometric staff did not seem to be trained in any sense regarding technical difficulties. I was given a “one time” refund.

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