ALTA survey and Topographic Survey
If I need to find information about easement, should I be looking into ALTA Survey or Topographic Survey?. ALTA would not show topography but shows easement and I believe Topographic survey also shows easement.
Can I put parking on easement or plant trees on the easement?
I would appreciate, if someone can chime in.
An easement allows access to a utility typically. Or access to a beach or lake or something. You couldn't block the access with parking or trees.
An easement should be both on the site plan and in the written deed, I think.
Hope this helps!
Rebekka O'Melia, B.Arch, M. Ed, Registered Architect, NCARB, Step UP ARE 5.0
Here's a pic of an easement in a residential neighborhood. They can drive a truck down it if they need to. Someone mows it once a year or 2. It looks like a path in the woods. Paving it may be possible (some easements cut across parking lots or are beside a road), but it needs to be clear for access.
Hope this helps!
Rebekka O'Melia, B.Arch, M. Ed, Registered Architect, NCARB, Step UP ARE 5.0
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