what is the maximum revolving door height?
what is the maximum revolving door height? Can anyone suggest some good chapters to read about this topic?
There is no such thing. Refer to IBC 1010.1.4.1 for the code requirements of revolving doors. Code limits speed and location. It says that the doors have to be compliant with BHMA A156.27, and it's possible that standard may have information about heights and so forth, but that is beyond the scope of the ARE exam.
There is a minimum clear height for all doors: 6'-8".
Gang Chen, Author, AIA, LEED AP BD+C (GreenExamEducation.com)
Most of the doors used in buildings are 7’-0” high. In areas with special requirements, such as some office spaces that may need large pieces of furniture, the doors may be 8’-0” high or 9’-0”. As far as the door leaf widths, 4’-0” is pretty much the maximum width you can use. Otherwise, the doors become very hard to operate.
I can see in ARE exam maybe you will be given a floor plans, and SEMP plans, and floor to floor heights, and then you are asked to calculate the maxim door heights based on the information given. Basically, you need to be able to read ASEMP plans and coordinate the info.
Gang Chen, Author, AIA, LEED AP BD+C (GreenExamEducation.com)
I notice the BCI reference says “typical”….is that safe enough to be a conclusion, for ARE exam purposes? Per IBC Section 1010.1.4 I don’t see any intrinsic height limits on revolving doors, so my guess would be scenario specific.
I’m sorry I’m only now stumbling upon this thread after Michael Ermann’s discussion; I’m curious to know if there were more comments in addition to the BCI reference.
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