PA - 3rd Attempt - Fail



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    Xuesheng Song

    The PA section has the least logical and rigorous questions of all the six sections. Just as Michael said, many of the questions are lacking logical conditions and are only aiming to create illusion on purpose. That's why lots of my friends are taking this section several times and they keep taking same questions but not knowing the right answers. It's not testing knowledge of participants but more likely trapping them. I'd recommend the committee to review questions from this section and make them more convincing.

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    Emeline Gabbour

    This is exactly my story with PA! I recently failed the 3rd attempt and had a feeling that the questions were extremely repetitive, now I'm freaking out because I have the knowledge, I know the content, I read all the references and this is my last exam: what else should I do? 


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    Jose Vazquez

    This is exactly how I felt! I took my second attempt at PA today and unfortunately failed again. Same case study as my first try and some of the same questions. I felt like I was prepared, I studied for roughly 6-8 Weeks about 15 hrs a week, yet when I took the exam I felt like a lot was irrelevant. I had a roughly about 10-15 questions about analyzing a program or layout and that took a lot of my time. At the end I had to guess on like 10-12 questions. 

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