Online Proctoring Experience PjM Exam
Hi all,
I just completed the PjM exam through online proctoring. Before taking the exam, I read all the feedback other candidates posted on the forum about their experience using online proctoring so I was mentally prepared for all obstructions and delays.
Fortunately, I didn't have the same experience as what I have read on the forums. My exam was scheduled for 9:30am EST. I launched the exam at about 9:25am. There was an initial glitch while capturing my face so I closed out of the program, reached out to support on the website and while waiting for a response, I relaunched the program. The second time around, the system prompted for a capture of my drivers license instead of my face and it went through without a glitch. I waited for about 10-15 mins before the first proctor came on and inspected my environment, ID and performed the security check. After which I waited another 10-15 mins and a second proctor came on to connect me with the test. I started my test at about 9:57am so from launching the program to seeing the first question, the process was about 30mins.
Once I started the exam, I had no delays or issues with the system, camera, internet or communicating with the proctor. Using the available built in tools weren't so bad. Although I prefer using a scratch paper, I made sure to practice the exam interface several times before test day with the NCARB demo exam. When I was done with all questions including reviewing, the time was up. I didn't take my 30mins break as I didn't want to risk not being able to review already seen questions. Before submitting, I notified the proctor and she let me know I was clear to end the exam.
Hoping every other test day goes as smoothly as today, I personally will keep using the online proctoring system for all other divisions as it was a lot more comfortable than testing at a Prometric center. Now to wait for the results!!
I'm aware not many people have had success with the proctoring system but I hope my experience helps relieve stress that anyone might feel after reading all other reviews and might not have a chance to reschedule. Good Luck!!
PS it really helped to practice all built in tools with the NCARB demo exam!
Thanks for sharing your experience, I am planning to take the Online Proctoring (PjM) and wondering if there is a way to test my system before rescheduling the exam? Do you know if I can use a computer that connects to a large screen TV for the exam? I am planning to take the exam in the conference room at my office, this is the setup we have, a large screen TV and a camera connecting to a PC.
I checked the requirements but didn't see anything about a large screen TV or if you can do a test run before scheduling. I think it would be wise to make sure that everything works before the day of the exam.
Anyway, do you know if there are answers to the NCARB demo exam? If yes can you please tell me where to find it.
Hey James,
I don't know about the test run of the Prometric program itself but we are able to do system checks and practice with the demo exam. A few days before my exam, NCARB sent a reminder that had all the instructions and links for the system check.
Here's a link to the Prometric guidelines that gives more information:
The answers to the demo exam is in the NCARB 5.0 Handbook:
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