Just like many people said, the online exam is a joke! I am not even going to say how many times I have to re-login to my exam. how bad is the whiteboard!
The worst part of my experience, I only had less than 8 mins left on the exam, somehow I got disconnected. When I tried to log back in, they told me they are down for maintenance. WTH??? maintenance during my exam hour??? Now they told me to wait 2 days to talk to customer care. because they don't open during the weekend. I might have to redo the whole freaking exam. Also, before the 8 mins left, I already wasted 5 hours on checking in, re-login, and doing the exam. I would not recommend anyone to do it. Good luck.
I have been rescheduled two times in-person exams. This is why I tried the online exam. but I am so regretted. This is a good way to kill someone's motivation.
Please fill out the survey regarding your testing experience. We are trying to capture data to understand if the recent changes to ARE 5.0 are in fact an upgrade. The last time we did a survey there was a drastic disparity between what 1,100 ARE Candidates reported vs what NCARB was saying.
This is very important.
I took the new exam at the testing center on 12/14. The system was crashed 4/5 times in my last hour. The staff in the testing center keep helping me to reboot the computers. I could barely concentrate on the exam. It is such a frustrating experience especially when you prepared a lot during this period. The staff in the testing center comforting me that it is a normal problem that NCARB system keeps crashing, not other exams. Please establish a better exam environment, less technical issues.
That sounds awful l. My online experience was pretty similar to the testing center except when I would slouch at the end (pretty tired after seven hours) I kept on having to fix my posture so they could see my face. I used an Ethernet cord and didn’t have crashing issues. Maybe that’s why?
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