Troubleshooting Whiteboard




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    Ashley Kettenring

    I didn't take a screenshot when it happened, but I had the same blue screen as Cesia. 

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    Nicole Nelson (Edited )

    The text portions on my whiteboard for my exam disappeared. As soon as I got into the exam I braindumped a bunch of formulas for my use, but they all disappeared. I even searched for them. The only items that didn't disappear were drawings with the pen, so I only used the pen unless it was easier to type just for that question. Is this normal? 

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    Ashley Kettenring

    I have had the same issue multiple times! 

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    Hey Cesia and Ashley,

    Thanks for providing this feedback. Notes on the whiteboard should never disappear unless you choose to delete them. Could you provide us a screenshot so we can further understand what you are seeing?

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    Cesia Lopez-Angel

    Hi Nick. Thank  you for looking into this. These are the screen shots I took when this happened. 

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    nrespecki (Edited )

    Hi Cesia,

    It looks like you are zoomed in at 3200% and possibly on top of an object (selected object in blue), but it's difficult to confirm. I recommend zooming out to 100% and continuing to take notes from that percentage. If you need more space for notes, adding a new page is a great strategy. 

    If you continue to have technical issues, I recommend reaching out to our Customer Service team for assistance.

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    Cesia Lopez-Angel (Edited )

    Hi Nick, 

    I think the main concern is that when I got this blue/black screen and after I zoomed to 100%, the notes I had made on the page disappeared. I checked the notes I had on the other pages also and realized that the notes there were gone too.

    I will continue to practice with the whiteboard and will contact customer service team if it happens again, but as i said if this should happen during the exam it would extremely frustrating and time consuming to solve.

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    Cassandra Cook

    When I practiced the same thing happened, the zoom was really screwy and was hard to navigate.

    I cancelled my exam.

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    Natalie Thomas

    I had issues like this too. 

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