Laptop Docking Station & Screen Resolution
I am planning on testing via online proctoring and have a question about the acceptable setup with a laptop.
My understanding is that it is allowed to attach a larger screen to the laptop, and keep the laptop itself closed, correct? For my specific laptop model in order to do that and also attach the webcam and keyboard, I would necessarily need to use a docking station (the size of a standard computer power adapter). Is this acceptable?
Also, what is the recommended screen resolution to use?
Thank you in advance for any clarification.
Hey Julia,
A power adaptor is fine, but a docking station is not. You can't connect any devices (keyboard, mouse, webcam) to your laptop through a docking station. They have to be directly connected to your laptop.
For your setup, you would need to do the following:
- Plug your power cord into your laptop and into an outlet.
- Connect an HDMI cable (or other display cable) from your laptop to an external monitor.
- Shut the laptop lid so you don't have two screens.
- Connect an external webcam, keyboard, and mouse to your laptop.
- The Prometric readiness agent will do an inspection of your setup when you check-in for your appointment.
In this setup, your laptop is basically functioning as a desktop CPU. As far as monitor size and resolution, make sure your monitor is at least 19" and running at 1920 x 1080 resolution.
Thank you for your response.
Due to the model of my laptop (Microsoft Surface Book), it does not have an HDMI cable connection built into it, and I also only have 2 USB ports in the laptop itself. To connect to a monitor, keyboard, mouse and webcam I would necessarily need to use the laptop's docking station, which has additional USB ports and the HDMI port and is also a power adaptor. It would be just one object connected to my laptop with all of these functions built into it. Is this not acceptable?
As an alternative solution, would separate HDMI to USB and USB-C to USB-A adaptors be acceptable?
Thank you.
Thanks for spelling it out, Nick.
I have a similar problem, that is, my laptop doesn't have enough ports to directly connect the HDMI, mouse, keyboard and webcam. Is a 4 port USB hub connected to laptop considered to be compliant with the requirements? It has no power adaptor, just more USB ports.
Also, closing the lid of my laptop leads to a closure of the programs. I need to have the laptop lid open for the external monitor to work; in this setting the display is ONLY on the external monitor and the laptop screen is blank (just the way it would be if it was turned off completely.) Can you clarify if this works?
Hi, I read in the forum that proctors are not allowing laptops with external monitors and believe its due to conflicting statements between NCARB and Prometric's laptop/ external monitor configuration permitted usage. Under NCARB a laptop with an external monitor is allowed. However, under Prometric a laptop with a separate monitor is not allowed.
I have a 17" Dell laptop which according to the guidelines fall under the 19" minimum monitor size recommended. My question is will a 32" curve monitor attached to my laptop use in single monitor format, meaning my laptop will be closed during the exam and only the external monitor will display the contents of the exam (non dual monitor usage), an external keyboard and mouse connected to laptop to facilitate this configuration as well as the required auto-focus external webcam be allowed by the Prometric proctor?
Please coordinate with Prometric prior to responding.
Sorry for the early confusion by some of the online proctors. Many test publishers don't allow external monitors and some proctors are not verifying the policy as outlined by NCARB to Prometric when checking in ARE candidates.
The system you are describing is acceptable to take the ARE. NCARB has made it clear to Prometric that ARE candidates are allowed to use external monitors connected to laptops. The NCARB policy is clearly outlined in the client practices document that is available to all Prometric online proctors. You will be able to test as you describe. If any online proctor questions your external monitor configuration during the check-in process, please ask them to check the documented NCARB policy as noted in their client practices document to confirm you are correct in using an external monitor.
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