Online exam today, some tips, also need some recommendations



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    Yuting Song

    One more question: are we allowed to use usb hub?

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    Michael Riscica

    After your exam, please fill out our survey regarding your recent exam. We are trying to capture data regarding all of NCARB's recent exam changes.

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    Yuting Song

    Hi, Rubi, I also had issues with exam rules while proctor checking. During first check, the proctor said laptop closed using external monitor was not permitted for the exam, I asked him to double check, and he asked his supervisor then replied still as not permitted. Then I continued with laptop only. Near end of checking, he mentioned there would be no break time, I said it's impossible. He mentioned according to "....Canadian... exam rule". I repeated again the exam I was going to take, he finally realized he was checking with a different exam rule.

    Though his attitude was very nice and patient. For future online exam, I suggest to keep a good communication with proctor and check several times to confirm they're following the correct rule. 

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    Alexandra Grabel

    Did anyone receive some sort of confirmation that the exam was recorded / received?

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    Yuting Song

    My current exam status showing awaiting score, suppose it was recorded

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    Alexandra Grabel

    When did you see that change ? Mine is not changing but I know the office is closed today.

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    Yuting Song

    It was updated the day after my exam 

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    Sorry to hear about the check-in process difficulties. Prometric proctors have a client practices document for each exam Prometric delivers which outlines the policies for the exam (such as the use of external monitors). NCARB has clearly outlined in our client practices document the updated break information as well as the ability for ARE candidates to have an external monitor setup.

    As for your results, they are most definitely recorded. All exam results are recorded as you test for every administration as part of the exam delivery application. You will continue to see the "Awaiting Score" message as NCARB conducts the cut score process. Once a cut score is established, your results will be compared against the cut score, a grade will be posted, and your score report will become available.

    NCARB expects to publish in early January more detailed timeline information about when the cut score for each division is expected to be released. The cut score process for each division requires 400 administrations. Once that number is achieved, the psychometricians pull the data and the process is completed in less than two weeks.

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