Provisional Feedback and Whiteboard



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    Tony Young

    How did you like the overall new test? How was the amount of time for the test to the reduced questions?

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    nrespecki (Edited )

    Hi Aditya,

    Thanks for the feedback. Provisional information on your exam performance is currently not available because NCARB has not yet set the cut score for the updated ARE. To set an updated cut score, we need statistics from 400 exam administrations per division. We expect this process to take around 4 weeks. You can read more about the cut score process on our blog -

    Regarding technical issues with the whiteboard, I recommend submitting these issues to NCARB Customer Service through our website -

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    Aditya Ghosh (Edited )

    Ah, I missed that thread. Thank you! The second link seems broken.

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    nrespecki (Edited )


    Try the second link again. The hyperlink was picking up the period. It should be working now.

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    Aditya Ghosh

    Tony, The reduced time made it easier to be more thorough, particularly with the case studies (I usually don't get to comb through all the zoning references for eg.). Not sure since it's my first time taking this division but some questions took longer than expected to work out.

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    Taylor Korslin

    Took the test Jan 28th, the day after NCARB said cut scores were in for PcM, and clicked to see the previsional test score then it took me to the final page without producing a provisional score.

    Also agree with the whiteboard comments very hard to use. 

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