Passed 3rd PDD Retake and Done with ARE



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    Andrew Miller

    Thanks for the summary, this is helpful information as I continue to prepare for PDD.


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    Whitney Joslin

    Hi Isabelle! Congratulations on passing! It's my last exam and I'm about to take it for the 3rd time. Can I ask what your strategy was during the test? Meaning, within the 4:15 duration, did you do all the multiple choice first, take a break and then spend x-number of hours on the case studies, for example? I'm curious to know what worked for you since I think I've struggled most with time management on this test.

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    Isabelle Gizinski

    Thanks Whitney! Each time I've taken PDD I was low on time at the end. I would go through the multiple choice questions as fast as I could and only flag about 10 that I really wanted to come back to and relook at. About 5 of them I would skip all together because I knew they would take me more than 1-2 minutes to solve. After I had gone through the multiple choice I would circle back around to the 15 or so questions that I had flagged or completely skipped. I think I had 1 hour left for both case studies this last time. I didn't take a break this time because I was in a good flow but I usually would take one before starting the case studies. I completely got too focused on the first case study and only had 20 minutes left for the last one which was stressful. I guessed on a few because I just didn't have time to really look into all the reference materials. I think because I was confident in my multiple choice answers the few I quickly ran through at the end didn't end up failing me. Any question that is taking more than 2 minutes in the multiple questions I would move on. All questions are worth the same point, so there's no use in spending 5-6 minutes on a math problem when you could be answering 3 questions in that time. I hope this helps! 

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