Are you getting rid of breaks too?



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    Derek Chen

    The blog post said that if you take a bathroom break you won't be able to review any questions that you've already opened. So they're penalizing you for attending to physical needs...


    > Yes, you will be able to take a break during an online-proctored exam appointment. Keep in mind, you will need to complete the check-in process again after any break. In addition, you will be unable to access any exam items viewed prior to your break for security reasons.

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    Kay Curtis

    So clearly there will be differences between at-home and online testing. So they don't need to take away scratch paper to keep the two equal.

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    Richard Balkins

    At-home is online testing. Technically, Online testing or Online Proctoring (Remote Proctoring) is testing from a location other than a test center using the internet. This means you can test from home or possibly an office or other suitable locations.

    Kay, I think you meant in-person or At-Test Center.


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