What happens after you pass the ARE?




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    Hey Joanna,

    Congrats on passing the ARE! In most cases, if you have met the requirements for education, experience, and examination, we will evaluate and transmit your Record within 45 business days. If our evaluation indicates you have met the requirements for initial licensure in your selected jurisdiction, we will notify you via email.

    One thing to note, New York does have some additional state-specific requirements for architectural licensure, so I recommend contacting the board directly to verify that they have all additional documentation. Here is the NYS website - http://www.op.nysed.gov/prof/arch/. 



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    Hey Alexandra,

    Thanks for the feedback! I can assure you that we are not ignoring your comments, we at NCARB read all posts on the Community and blog. We have no additional comments on this topic at this point in time. Side note, I am a licensed architect along with many others at NCARB. 

    Again, we appreciate your feedback!

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