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    Paul Carson

    Please review and question my research, for I am finding "just a few" discrepancies in "how many days"?


    A.R.E. C+E (Construction & Evaluation) Review Notes (8.15.20)


    NO-SET-DAYS: ARCH review & respond to submittals within “reasonable promptness”:

    • If no action is taken by ARCH, GC will consider it approved.

    NO-SET-DAYS: ARCH review & respond to RFI’s within “reasonable promptness”.

    (10%) RETAINAGE

    (2): number trap fixtures allow per each vent.

    7-DAYS: AFTER receiving GC’s “Certificate for Payment” ARCH has (2) options:

    1. Issue a “Certificate for Payment” to the OWNER.
    2. Notify the OWNER and contractor of the reasons for withholding certification.

    7-DAYS: GC can “STOP WORK” if NOT paid 7-DAYS after the agreed date in the Contract.

    • After additional 7-DAYS: written notice to OWNER.

    7-DAYS: ARCH to review the Application for Payment.

    7-DAYS: GC MUST PAY SUB’S after receipt of payment from OWNER.

    7-DAYS: OWNER’s MUST pay after ARCH’s approval, consider this:

    14-DAYS: after GC submits Application for Final Payment work is covered by GC.

    10-DAYS: after GC submits Application for Final Payment work is covered by GC.

    10-DAYS: GC MUST SUBMIT A.F.P. before due date of the date required in A201.

    10-DAYS = IDM

    10-DAYS: ARCH/ I.D.M. = requests additional that MUST BE submitted within another 10.

    10-DAYS: BEFORE the bid date, bidders MUST submit substitutions.

    • If substitutions ARE accepted, ARCH will issue ADDENDA 4-DAYS before bid date.

    10-DAYS: ARCH MUST send “Demand Payment Letter” to OWNER PRIOR to recording lienDesign Professionals lien.

    90-DAYS: ARCH MUST Record Lien & Enforce “Design Professionals lien” by filing lawsuit.


    10-DAYS: OWNER CAN FIX work at their own force:

    • After warning GC in writing.
    • Upon ARCH’s

    14-DAYS: GC submits SUBs qualifications; OWNER’s & ARCH MUST REPLY; IF NOT, constitutes NO RESABLE OBJECTION.

    15-DAYS: OWNER’s MUST FILE “Certificate of Completion” within date of completion.

    15-DAYS: OWNER’s MUST furnish info to GC on mechanic’s lien rights

    15-DAYS: OWNER’s MUST provide “WARRANTED INFO to GC after request.

    20-DAYS: SUBs NEED to fill out preliminary 20-DAYS notice (ARCH & GC are exempt, because each has a direct contract with OWNER; AND, if subs, laborers, vendors, etc. fail to send out the preliminary, may lose their lien rights.

    21-DAYS: (NO LATER THAN): after occurrence of event, or after recognizing said condition, GC MUST submit claims against OWNER to ARCH, which is LATER!

    21-DAYS: (NO LATER THAN): GC MUST “stop work” and immediately notify ARCH & OWNER in writing within 21-DAYS upon observing a hazardous event.

    30-DAYS: OWNER SHOULD make final payment AFTER issuance of the ARCH’s FINAL CERTIFICATE of PAYMENT.

    60-DAYS: GC can “TERMINATE” contract if NOT paid:

    • After additional 7-DAYS: written notice to OWNER.

    90-DAYS: ARCH MUST update the construction cost estimate at no add’l cost, IF bidding

                           DOES NOT commences within 90-days AFTER the ARCH submits the CDs.

    180-DAYS: Permits become invalid if work DOES NOT start.

    180-DAYS: Approved CD’s are retained by the department of the building official.

    1 - YEAR: Warranties period.

    4- YEARS: Statute of Limitation (protects plaintiff): “starts when flaw is found”.

    4- YEARS: Statute of Repose (protects builder): extends beyond Limitation: “starts when work is complete” = Substantial Completion.

    10-YEARS: Statute for “hidden defects”.

    T.B.D.: Length of time a building official will issue a “temporary Certificate of Occupancy”.



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