Last Minute Exam Cancellations and More...
Hello Everyone,
I have finished all of my exams last December, after 2 years of test taking and it was not a fun experience to say the least. However now that I am hearing how unfair the recent events for all test takers are and how NCARB seems to do nothing to remedy the situation, I find myself "lucky" that I was done with AREs before the Pandemic. I am still part of a lot of ARE study groups and I hear the cry! So I wanted to write this comment here, hoping that people can join me and can be heard.
A friend of mine was supposed to take her exam on June 1st and Prometric emailed her to cancel her PPD exam on Saturday May 30th, two days before the exam!!! I personally know how much she studied, especially the last weeks and how mentally prepared herself until last minute and was ready to pass. I want to believe that NCARB knows how much people are studying for these exams. I remember how much I pushed during my last 4 to 6 weeks to PPD and PDD. My friend was the same, she was studying 8 hours a day, taking hundreds of questions everyday and it breaks my heart to think that her effort along with other test takers are overlooked like this. I can not understand how inconsiderate, unfair and cruel someone has to be to cancel such an important exam like this, two days before... The same thing happened to another friend I know, last week. Her exam got cancelled 2 weeks prior! And the weirdest thing about all this is, NCARB refused to refund them! They only give back credits (after a 7 day waiting period ) and suggest for you to reschedule your exam in 2 months, with no guarantee! Who knows if those people are going be able to take their exams in two months..? Scientists are already predicting that the virus will come back again as early as November. So will they have to go through this again in two months?
Again it makes me think that, simply NCARB doesn’t understand or care how much people are invested in these exams, how much they have studied, and how many years and how much money they have spent to get their licenses. Besides when people call Prometric after the cancellation e-mails, they only get to talk to a customer service rep who have never worked in architecture a day in their life and can't begin to understand what they are defending when they talk to frustrated people like my friends. I hold NCARB accountable for all of these issues. This test takers are not in contract with Prometric, so they can only speak to NCARB directly and NCARB should be there for them.
In fact this problem is not so hard. This crisis can be managed way better than it is now and I want this post to be a productive tool in addition to venting out some steam. So, I have deiced to list my very doable suggestions below. Please, please, please nrespecki help test-takers voices being heard and please everyone chime in and help things change.
My Suggestions to NCARB
- Admit the fact that neither you, nor Prometric and not even the President of the United States can promise anyone that they will be able to take their cancelled exams in two months when they reschedule. So you must refund people's exam seats immediately without a time-limit so they can wait and see how things will play out and have some sort of control over their own life. No one has the right to play with people's feelings, life, and plans like this.
- No one is saying the pandemic was anyone's fault, so we understand that this is out of NCARB's control. However, federal and local authorities are saying that we are not going back to normal right away, it will be in phases. Which means there will be a limit on occupancy for a long time. As Prometric also stated earlier, they were gonna have a 50% limit in June. So people assumed Prometric was going to inform them in a timely fashion whether or not they will be able to test in June. However as I stated before they do/did it in the last minute. Why didn't NCARB make Prometric understand that it is not okay to tell people that they won’t be able to take their exams last minute? NCARB MUST have Prometric notify test takers at least 4 weeks before the test-day. Nothing less is acceptable! I understand it is not their normal policy but nothing is "normal" about Pandemic, right?
- Make more realistic suggestions and planning regarding the test-taking schedule under the circumstances. Since no one was able to test since March and as I said the occupancy limit will make it hard for people to take tests in the coming months too, it is not realistic to tell someone whose exam is cancelled in June that they will be able to test in August either (in 2 months rescheduling period). The number of people that are having their exams cancelled is accumulating faster than the rate of people being able to test and it will keep doing so.
- The Rolling Clock should be paused for everyone, until Prometric test centers are back to 100% capacity.
- The NCARB seat credit expiration dates should be extended accordingly too.
- NCARB yearly dues should be held until the pandemic is over. All people that have already paid will get a nine month extension as has already been put in place with rolling clocks
- A representative for test takers should be in the room when NCARB makes decisions regarding the rollout of a new examination in order to give direct feedback to the executives who isolate themselves away from talking to test takers.
Like I said before, I ask the ARE community here to please comment below if you have any more suggestions. Contribute to this so hopefully NCARB can hear it. It doesn’t matter if you are done with your exams or just starting to take them. This could happen to any of us! So let’s make some noise!
Stay safe and keep studying!
Elif Bayram
Official comment
Hey Everyone,
I just want to address some of the comments in this thread. Unfortunately, NCARB has zero control over the exams canceled based on local regulations and social distancing. These decisions are made 100% by Prometric based on consultation with architecture and design consultants, as well as health experts, including top infectious disease epidemiologists from Johns Hopkins University.
If you do have an exam canceled by Prometric, they will inform us at NCARB and we will reset your testing eligibility and grant you a seat credit within a week. We also understand that these cancellations impact previously purchased seat credits and your rolling clock. We have already added a 9-month rolling clock extension to all successful exams and will evaluate whether an additional extension is needed in the next few months. If you have a seat credit that is close to expiring, call us up and we can help.
Again, we understand the frustration and are doing everything we can to get you all in test centers as soon as possible. We'll continue to update all candidates as we learn more from Prometric.
Comment actions -
I had my last test (PPD) rescheduled twice now, the first time in March which was expected and the second time was just last week.. two weeks before my exams...
do the people responsible for this cancellation imagine what kind of preparation I did for this one..
What really upsets me is that June tests were already cancelled for some people and NCARB said if your test was not cancelled In June then you are good to go!!! But this was not true.
I spent hundreds of hours preparing. I have quit my job to finish with ARE., I have four kids and very busy life.. but I give all priority to focus on my testing and get done.. I wish I knew, I wish they told me before.
Now I need to know this: will my July test happen? I could not find anything in Texas for the next 3 month so I booked it in a city 7 hours away from home? Will I be able to test!! Can you tell me yes so I can jump start again.. or just tell me no so I can go and cancel it myself. -
I agree with everything that has been stated above. I too consider myself "lucky" to have finished my exams at the beginning of March right before the pandemic. I can't imagine what these test takers are going through right now. I have numerous friends and coworkers who are still testing and the psychological and financial toll it's taking on these candidates is unacceptable. So many of them want to give up on this process because they're tired of doing what's being advised by NCARB just to have the test cancelled last minute. So much time and money goes into studying for these exams and the ARE community feels that their complaints and concerns are falling on deaf ears. The testing candidates need to be reimbursed for these last minute cancelled exams. They are being punished for things that are out of their control.
All of the actions Elif stated above need to happen to even scrape the surface of making things right. The pandemic has turned the world upside down and we've seen so many organizations adapt to these changes. Test takers have lost their trust with NCARB when it comes to signing up for, and taking these exams. Many are questioning the purpose of renewing their record. False promises, and inconsistent information need to be addressed and fixed. It has been months and the actions made are minuscule and more must be done to protect the rights of testing candidates.
I'm available for anyone in the ARE Community if you need help or advise. Stay well, stay safe, and keep studying. We are here for you.
NCARB needs to do better! This is not right! They need to follow everyone else’s lead, have a plan in place, and let people take their exams. It should be easy to enforce social distancing in these testing centers, but If they do not feel that is an option than offer us alternate solutions! Thank you for your suggestions, Elif, and thank you for organizing this post. Stay safe everyone and hang in there.
Everything here seems reasonable and easy to accommodate. I studied for 6 months, even with a newborn, only to have my first three tests cancelled. Who knows when I'm going to test but those months is studying are wasted at the point. Oh, but I got an email to renew my NCARB today so that's neat...
My exam was scheduled for Monday, June 1st and I was notified it was cancelled the morning of Saturday, May 30th, 2 days before my exam. I had also been studying like crazy for the past few months and thought I had made it past the cancellations. Prometric scheduling isn't even open on the weekends, so I don't understand how they could have been the ones to cancel. Studying and preparing for these exams takes sacrifice, determination, and our time. We know that time is money, and now our time and money has been spent trying to advance ourselves in this career just to have that opportunity prolonged for unknown reasons. NCARB and Prometric charge us for changing our exam dates too close to the testing date, yet our exams get cancelled 2 days prior with no explanation? That's just hypocritical.
Elif, Thanks for taking this initiative. I have been studying for the exam for 3 years now and have had my tests cancelled twice already in March and April and I was just starting to get back to studying for the tests again since I lost momentum and now people are starting to getting cancellation emails again and this time it’s 2 days notice. This has demotivated me to even think about studying. I know a lot of us have been in the same situation. Why is it not possible for NcArb or Prometric to give us a months notice? We do understand that all of us are new to this situation but is it not an organization which charges so much to have a moral authority to let people know in advance about the situation. It seems like Ncarb is trading us for some other benefit. Now since we all know that this is going to be a long time situation NCARB should start thinking of making smart decisions to improve this situation.
I've been studying about 75% of my time since November, and 100% since March- with now 4 rescheduled exams starting in March through June. Why can't someone with authority make a decision a month before and notify all candidates that exams are not happening in that month? Our County Health officials' orders have been made every month, with announcements every 2 weeks of what to expect, and even our town has cancelled every event over 10 people for over a month out, why cant NCARB? Sounds like it is run by a flock of headless chickens with no one in charge. We pay NCARB a lot of money to be a member and to buy an exam seat, doesn't someone have some common sense and be professional in how NCARB treats it's candidates for licensure? Already the archaic software is an absolute nightmare, and with the embarrasing statistic of less than a 50% passrate, to string us along until days before an exam then cancel it doesn't have an iota of professionalism about it. When this is all done I will not be proud to have passed these exams as much as I will be elated that I never have to put up with their random nonsense again.
Right now I am supposed to be in a Prometric Center, nervous about my 7:30 exam.
I should not have been nervous because I had spent 500+ hours preparing for this exam doing everything I could do- reading doing every practice question I could find, making up my own, I went over the suggested reading list with a fine tooth comb as NCARB demands of us. I paid thousands of dollars being passed from one test prep provider to the next because NCARB would only endorse test prep providers that spent all their money lobbying NCARB instead of providing consumers with proper study materials. I laughed when NCARB said my education was subpar to sit for these exams. i was ready.
I swallowed my pride, knowing full well the statistics for these exams adversely affect women and minorities the most- I dampened that voice saying "it is nothing more than another minority tax to keep the people in charge- IN CHARGE. Why are you doing this!?" Every time I failed an exam. I bit my tongue, sacrificed my life, relationships, opportunities, everything I have to accomplish this impossible goal.
Instead of sitting with nervous pride, ready to fight this overwrought monster of an exam, I am on an NCARB forum pleading with no one (because no one who is actually in charge will see this much less deign to respond. They will use a terrible webinar or a customer service rep who has NEVER worked in architecture, knows anything about architecture, and is ill equipped to handle what they are being burdened to) asking NCARB why you thought the Saturday before, after all that preparation (the preparation you demand) you would give the order to cancel my and several other exams.
There is no one left to blame but NCARB. Despite how NCARB wants to paint Prometric and now the NAAB as the enemy, I actually have a good rapport with my local Prometric- they've seen me so many times, and they tried absolutely everything over this weekend to give me back the slot I had, despite the fact that NCARB strategically gave the order over a weekend so their resources were limited. They could see the time was available, staring at it, but it was impossible for any of them to schedule anything NCARB related in June even though my test center was non-essential and essential workers. A team of people. They said it was virtually impossible for Prometric to have done this. They moved state to state to see if it was just them. When they came to their conclusion- when my fear was realized that I had wasted 500 hours of my time, we all knew it had to be NCARB.
So then the follow up questions started. I had to know the parameters of Prometric. Turns out they have way less power than NCARB wants us to believe. It became obvious that NCARB had to have known what they were going to do well ahead of Friday because Prometric's programmers are in Singapore and India so there was a lot of coordination that had to happen.
To be clear: It is pretty obvious that NCARB needs this 5.1 thing to work out. It is also pretty obvious that NCARB has boards or shareholders or a higher "power" they must answer to and must show immediately that the response to 5.1 was a success, but the cruelty of ripping the rug out from under so many people knowing full well the hours of time it takes to prepare for these exams is beyond reproach, abhorrent, and a violation. What's worse is that I signed up for racist 5.0. I am equipped to handle the language of that exam in that platform. I do not have it in me to learn another language and shouldn't have to. I did not elect to do that in the middle of a pandemic, so I definitely do not elect to be a guinea pig for 5.1. I and every person in limbo- on this comment chain and the one's too fearful of retaliation by NCARB (another feature of yours you choose to ignore) deserve a refund. We deserve to have agency in this system and to elect to come to 5.1 (or even 5.0) when we feel ready and when NCARB is equipped to provide assurances. It is illegal to hoard our money until you force a new product down our throats to boost your metrics. I am a 5.0 consumer. I do not consent to 5.1. I am a 5.0 consumer. I demand to take 5.0 immediately. My testing center has the space, time and resources. All they need is the exam and the go ahead from NCARB.
I believe that my consumer protection rights are being violated. I can harbor the pain of the inhumane cruelty that I have suffered these past two days, or I can work to make sure the people participating in this licensing process are protected from ever having to feel the way I felt Saturday- the pang of remorse I feel now knowing I'm supposed to be at a computer screen testing myself with useless knowledge NCARB deemed fit to prove I'm an architect. I choose to do something about this, and anyone who would like to join me, feel free. We will have a response in place shortly and all affected by this are welcome.
I had PPD and PDD scheduled in May, of course both had to be rescheduled due to test center closings. I rescheduled PPD for June 5th and PDD for mid-July, as those were the only dates available. This past Saturday, I got an email canceling my June 5th PPD exam, less than a week before the exam. The most frustrating part for me is that I live in a small city and the closest test center to me is 2 hours away in another state, and because that center is so small they are typically only open Monday-Friday. For me to take these exams I have to take time off of work (vacation days), coordinate childcare, etc. as I will have a 2 hour drive to the center, 5 hour exam, then 2 hour drive back home. I understand we are living in uncertain times, but less than a week is not enough notification of a cancelled exam. I am unable to reschedule the exam right now as a seat credit has not been reissued so I will be contacting NCARB today.
I have PPD scheduled for July 13, after having my March 23 exam cancelled a few days before due to COVID-19. While, I understand that NCARB had no way of knowing how Prometric would handle the pandemic, it was discouraging to have studied for so long only to have my exam cancelled.
Now I have a dilemma; Do I study my heart out, miss out on time with family and friends, like so many of us do when we're studying for these exams, only to have my July 13 exam cancelled at the last minute? Do I try to reschedule, postponing retaking until the Fall? What if I do reschedule in the Fall and a second wave hits and everything gets more delayed?
I have missed birthday celebrations, studied after opening Christmas gifts, mourned the loss of grandparents, gone through a divorce - - ALL WHILE STUDYING FOR THESE TESTS. Your testing candidates have put LIFE ON HOLD to try to accomplish our goal of becoming licensed architects and now tests are being cancelled with just days to spare?!?
This is unacceptable. I agree with the above bullet points for moving forward, AT A MINIMUM.
I tried to email customer service this morning and it bounced back...see below.
Your ARE Candidates expect more and we deserve more.
NCARB needs to do something right. What they are doing right now is absolutely not fair to anyone that is trying to take the exam. My May and June exam has been cancelled twice now, and currently both scheduled for Aug. I didn't even celebrate my birthday because my priorities were set on studying for my exams. I understand these are confusing times for everyone. But It doesn't make sense when everyone else seems to have a plan that helps the people. But NCARB plans to do the exact opposite purposefully and guiding people into thinking they care.
I would like to point out that anyone currently studying doesn't cares about 5.1. They are studying now because they are planning to get tested under 5.0. I know this is very shocking to hear, BUT NO ONE CARES ABOUT 5.1. If I wanted to get tested under 5.1 I would wait another 5 years before testing. I wouldn't waste my time night and day studying right now.
The MINIMUM that NCARB can do are the suggestions above.
I think it also odd that the ARE not an essential exam but exams like National Elevator Industry Educational Program (NEIEP), American Concrete Institute (ACI), and American Welding Society (AWS), to name a few are considered essential exams. This just shows how important the elevator industry believes how valuable they are to society but NCARB doesn't believe the architect exam should be given that right.
NICK NCARB: PROMETRIC’S WEBSITE CLEARLY SAYS THAT PROMETRIC TALKED TO THE TEST SPONSORS, WHICH MEANS NCARB. TAKEN FROM PROMETRIC WEBSITE “Prometric worked with test sponsors to determine which programs met the criteria for "essential workforce," “
NCARB should take some responsibility!
Hey Kaitlin,
Yes, we have heard of candidates being told by Prometric that NCARB has been canceling exams. That information is 100% inaccurate. NCARB has not canceled any exams. We are trying to get you all back in test centers as soon as possible. Prometric should no longer be communicating this message to you or any other ARE candidates.
This is why we need to talk to the architects in charge about this situation. Nick is being spoon fed lip service by NCARB and is trying to keep his job by saying what he's told to say.
I was on the phone with Prometric trying to reschedule because they cater to essential and nonessential starting today. We sat there and tried everything including moving NCARB exams from July into June. You clearly made an oversight and are still digging deeper into this lie as opposed to taking accountability and making amends. Why would Prometric lie? Why would they sit there with me and try every option if it was their fault? They know how to take a beating when they've done something wrong. It's clearly NCARB.
Don't you find it strange that we believe an outside party over our own providers? Don't you have any compassion?
Thank you for responding. You are the first representative from either company who has answered any form of communication. Because of that, people like me can only go off of the information being dispersed by other folks who have spoken to actual representatives.
Where do you suggest I go to check on the status of my June 29th test (four weeks from now). Respectfully, now would be the time to cancel that test, however, I just had my June 8th exam canceled two weeks before the test after having put in tons of time studying.
While studying is great in general, it takes a lot of mental energy to devote oneself to studying immersively in order to prepare for a test.
Prometric is non-responsive. Calling my local testing center rings endlessly. What do you suggest people like me do?
Thank you!,
Per CISA guidance, AREs should be considered essential. Please read full document for more information. Prometric’s website states that they followed recommendations by test sponsors. NCARB should state that Architects are essential, since it follows under CISA guidance.
“Workers performing housing and commercial construction related activities, including those supporting government functions related to the building and development process, such as inspections, permitting, and plan review services that can be modified to protect the public health, but fundamentally should continue and enable the continuity of the construction industry (e.g., allow qualified private third-party inspections in case of federal government shutdown).“
Hey Nick Respecki,
This isnt the first, second or third time that Prometric says one thing and NCARB says something else. Jared apologized for this in the last webinar. Why does it continue to happen a few weeks later????
EVERYONE is sick of NCARB keeping them in the dark, not talking to us and just letting your Customer Service put out all the fires.
YES, everyone in America is dealing with an unprecedented situation. However, NCARB continues to FAIL miserably in your Communications and Customer Service.
NCARB receives an F on how they handled the COVID Pandemic. There is many other things NCARB is doing, that also deserves an F, but that's not what this is about right now.
Was just on the phone with Nick from NCARB, Cassandra, and the director of testing? Didn't really get her title. She was just there to defend what a great job she was doing anyway so I don't know why she was there.
Oh before I go any further, if you haven't signed this petition, then please do so because the saga below is basically more of the same BS they parrot to us whenever they're caught, but at least I got to yell back at them.
They are adamant that it is Prometric that can "reschedule" or cancel an exam. They swear they came in this morning and were completely shocked that this had happened to us. But they did everything they were supposed to do even though apparently Prometric is in charge of their exams more than they are? It doesn't make sense even typing it out here. I gave them every troubleshooting maneuver me and the Prometric lady went through and when we got to the end they still wouldn't budge.
They refused to even address how they could let people get up to two days before their exam and not be notified by NCARB that it was canceled even though it clearly states on their website that at the time of the publication of that article, if we hadn't been cancelled we could go ahead and test. Like, let's pretend for a minute it is Prometric's fault for rescheduling. Sure, you can't notify us that we're cancelled a month ahead of time? i AM IN CONTRACT WITH NCARB. WHATEVER HAPPENS BETWEEN THEM AND PROMETRIC IS ON NCARB from my perspective. They refused to respond to that.
It was their way of gathering evidence of what a great job thy were doing. To be fair to them, I blew up. I had no idea how angry I was until I heard them say how they could empathize (even though they didn't lose 500 hours of their life) and how they weren't wrong- over and over again like robots. So they got plenty of evidence of how great a job they did and don't need to do anything for us when it's clearly on them that they don't have a handle on their test and can't provide any assurances.
Nick might be discussing things with them right now... sorry guys. didn't realize how angry I was/am. All that time just gone. And they knew how much time it is to get through these exams. Their offer was that I could reschedule my exam. So I hung up in their faces. If they can't respect me, I don't know why I should respect them. Just admit you dropped the ball. Or better:
Nick and NCARB Folks,
When NCARB says during a webinar that they cannot offer refunds for cancelled exams, it sends a bad message to candidates who might need that money a lot more now during a pandemic. And frankly, it sends a bad message to all candidates and professionals alike.
If exams are canceled, at the very least, please offer refunds.
Just adding to the previous concerns, I had to reschedule a PPD exam twice during the pandemic. On March 18th, I rescheduled the last time for a June 1st exam session. I knew that there was a possibility that occupancy would be restricted by 50% but I continued to study as normal. When I received a reminder from Prometric on May 28th for my June 1st appointment, I thought that everything was okay. However my exam was cancelled two days later on the 30th!
Previously in May, I scheduled the PDD exam thinking that I was going to be safe to take that after PPD on June 1st. In my area, the first available date to schedule the exam was September 3rd! When I eventually receive my seat credit for the PPD test, I am sure it will be way past a September date to reschedule. In rescheduling for a future date, it is uncertain when they will allow more than 50% occupancy and if a "essential testing" seat will kick me out of my appointment. I also am cautious now that I will resume studying again for the PDD/PPD and get another appointment cancellation with 48 hours notice. It is crazy the amount of studying and time we dedicate for exams to be jerked around like this.
I know this is an unprecedented time but I would hope by now NCARB would have a contingency plan on how to adjust. Especially considering the hardship this may be for candidates. Like others have mentioned, Prometrics list of essential testing has questionable organizations. If the American Retirement Association (a DC Lobbyist Organization), Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers (which apparently is NOT service dog trainers), and National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence is considered essential testing, then why can't the ARE's be? I second that NCARB should work with Prometric to deem NCARB as essential to public safety and allowed priority testing.
I am sure that NCARB will eventually resolve this but for right now this is mess and needs work.
We want you to stop rolling clocks!!! When I called NCARB this morning to ask for a guarantee that I would be able to test on July 13, the customer service representative told me that "NCARB has been telling everyone to postpone their exams for as long as possible" and that she could not guarantee that I would be able to test in July. So, I called Prometric and moved my last exam, which has already been rescheduled twice, to November. Now, why should I also have to appeal to NCARB for an extension to my rolling clock when you all know what we're up against???
Nick and anyone from NCARB who is reading this, thanks for answering. I want to go over couple things from my original post, your response and what everyone else has been saying since yesterday about the issue:
- You say that "NCARB has zero control over the exams canceled based on local regulations and social distancing" We don't want you to have control over each and every single Prometric location. We demand NCARB to make sure that Prometric tells people at least 4 weeks prior cancelling their exams. You should enforce it, on behalf of test takers who have been paying their membership fees and exam fees on time so you can provide this service to them. So to clarify: Test takers do not expect you act on behalf of Prometric, they expect you to hold Prometric accountable. Simple: They want NCARB to ensure that, not even one single person will have to deal with an exam cancellation without being notified less than 4 weeks.
- You say " If you have a seat credit that is close to expiring, call us up and we can help." Don't you think this is cumbersome for everyone? Why not refunding everyone's money back and let them decide. What you suggest equals hundreds of hours long waiting on the call to reach an NCARB rep so people can get their hard-earned money back. There will be a lot of those calls, considering that no one is able to test in June and majority still won't be able to in coming months. So why do you create this excessive amount of work load for NCARB reps either? Besides as Sofia Salvat Mere mentioned above, a lot of people lost their jobs due to Pandemic, so they simply may need their money back. Why make them and NCARB reps suffer more?
So to reiterate:
- Please make sure Prometric notifies people regarding exam cancellations in a timely fashion, minimum 4 weeks.
- Please refund all cancelled seat credits, as soon as possible. Refunding people's money will give them the freedom to wait and decide later when everything is back to normal so they can protect themselves from last minute cancellation nightmare
-Please pause rolling clock for all successful exams for everyone until further notice. The complaints regarding rolling clock such as @marypuckett above should be totally avoidable.
- As many said, people lost their jobs and can't even test due to Pandemic so please pause renewal fees until further notice.
These are very easy, drama-free steps that should not be an issue to put into effect as soon as possible. I genuinely don't see why NCARB cannot take these actions tomorrow.
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