4/20 ARE & Prometric Update



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    nrespecki (Edited )

    Hey Everyone,

    I just posted an update in the General Discussion section of the Community. You can view it here - https://are5community.ncarb.org/hc/en-us/community/posts/360043699394



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    Michael Riscica

    The ARE isnt offered at EVERY Prometric Center. Has NCARB considered the possibility of unlocking more testing centers to meet demand????

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    Sam Levison

    Hi Nick, I have Exams scheduled for 5/4, 5/11, 5/13

    Is there a way I can find out if these will keep?

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    nrespecki (Edited )

    Hey Michael and Sam,

    Relating to Prometric test centers, the ARE is only delivered at Prometric locations that offer the appropriate technology and security procedures to deliver the exam. Not all Prometric test centers meet these requirements. 

    Sam, there is currently no way to see if your May exams will be cancelled or not. Prometric is currently working on this process within their system for all exams, not just the ARE. NCARB has nothing to do with the selection of which exams will be cancelled. If your exam is randomly selected and cancelled by Prometric, you will be receiving communications directly from them within the next week. 

    As we learn more from Prometric, we will post updates to this Community and also on our website - https://www.ncarb.org/press/2020-coronavirus-update


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    Ethan O'Brien

    My rolling clock still only shows a 3 month extension.  Will it be updated to a 9 month extension?

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    Hey Ethan,

    I checked in on the status of your rolling clock extension and it should appear within the next week or so. Sorry for the delay! 

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    Adam de Alva

    I just received an email stating prometric testing centers are now closed through May 31st. Anyone else? 

    Ncarb & prometric are blowing this, randomly canceling 50% of test!? Some of us have to travel long distances, get hotels etc. How about they only open up the available seats!

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    Zahidul Khan

    Hi, Nick:
    My rolling clock is having a similar issue, with three months of extension only.
    Thank you.

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    Nick - Has NCARB looked into Remote Assessment (the ProProctor offered by Prometric)? Has this even been considered at all? I think it is worth a conversation, at least. The exams are already expensive as they are and if Prometric has all the systems in place for remote delivery...I wonder if it is something that NCARB has looked into w/o significantly impacting the cost of the exams!

    Talk soon, 


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    Zahidul Khan

    Hi, Nick:
    Thank you for taking care of the issue.

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    Julia Drake

    I just received an email from Prometric that test centers will stay closed till May31st. No new information or guidance from NCARB on this topic (last NCRAB email 4.20 stating May1st  as resumption of testing operations). Is this a communication break down? We pay money upfront ($200+) for these tests, put our lives on hold to study and prepare for these exams. What is the plan to handle this testing backlog and how will NCARB really support their licensing candidates during this difficult time? Thank you!

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    nrespecki (Edited )

    Hey Everyone,

    I can definitely help with your questions! 

    Adam and Julia - Prometric also just informed us of their decision to close test centers through May 31st. We will be sending out an email to all candidates shortly with further information. Again, the decision to close test centers is made by Prometric, not NCARB. 

    Zahidul - Similar to Ethan, you should see your rolling clock extension within the next week or so. We apologize for the delay.

    Sofia - Yes, we are very familiar with ProProctor offered by Prometric. The current version of the ARE is designed to be delivered in physical test centers only because of security and technical requirements. We are currently evaluating whether to deliver future versions of the exam in remote proctored environments. 

    Make sure to continue to check our website for further Covid-19 updates - https://www.ncarb.org/press/2020-coronavirus-update.

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    Sam Levison

    I agree with Adam, Sofia and Julia. Communication aside - Prometric + NCARB need to do something to solve this issue. Not only are dates cancelled through June first - I searched over 5 states and still the earliest testing available is July 1st, for which I will need to travel out of state, take time off work, and book a hotel. 

    I understand this is "unprecedented" but for how much we, as students invest in this time and money, and how much a license matters in our profession - Prometric and NCARB need to do their part and step up. 

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    Dane Lemma


    I received a very general email from Prometric this morning regarding cancellation of an upcoming test. I have 3 tests scheduled - 5/1, 5/15 and 5/23 - the system didn't even tell me which one is cancelled.  I called NCARB and they did not know either - they only knew recently about the testing centers closing through May 31st. I agree with Sam and Julia - I have invested 2 months and a lot of money (even left the state) to take these exams. NCARB needs to figure a way to give these tests remotely because we cannot keep having our testing dates moved out. 

    Mind you, now it will be harder to book an exam because of the backlog of people who were cancelled from the past two months. 

    Also the information from Prometric is so limited - there is no way to get in touch with a testing center and the generalized email doesn't even tell me which one of my 3 exams are cancelled. Nick NCARB - is there anyway of telling me which one of my three tests are cancelled? I am still continuing to study for PcM on 5/1

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    There is no better time than the present, Nick. I don't think that the question about delivering remotely should be post-poned for future versions of the exams...when are those even going to happen? I mean, I am sure it is not something that can be rolled out immediately, but 50% of your test-takers are out of testing dates, some of whom planned to be done testing by the end of the year...now they don't have a test date, they don't have their money back, and they don't have any idea of when they will actually become licensed. 

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    Sam Levison

    Dane Lemma I had three exams scheduled too. Hate to say it - I believe all 3 are cancelled due to the centers not being open until June.

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    Adam de Alva

    Agree with what others are saying here, any delay in moving to remote testing is going to cause huge issues for all of us. We all sink so much money and time into this not being able to test until July (earliest date I see available) is not reasonable, especially with no guarantee that that date will hold!


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    Jordan Cayanan



    Would it be possible to swap exams with already scheduled seats? I had a PA appointment on May 4 which was canceled. Would it be possible to swap my PPD exam appointment already schedule later in June with my canceled PA exam instead?

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    Devin Phillips

    Like most of you guys, I received an email from Prometrics letting me know that my exam scheduled for 5/24 falls into the 50% of exams that will be cancelled.  This is now the 2nd cancellation for my PDD exam.  The first was 03/18.

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