CE Pass First Try (PcM, PjM then CE) - Tips
I was a bit intimidated by taking this exam out of order based on other people who took the tests in the same order as myself but I felt I was more confident in CE than PA, PDD, and PPD). I allowed myself 4 weeks of study. The resources I used:
Black Spectacles - pretty limited on the CE lectures but very helpful concepts to understand. The tests are the best prep in my mind. I take one a week. Then the day of the test, I take the randomized version to keep my mind fresh. I like to run through the test answers a couple times and read through the reasoning behind the answer.
Reviewed the following AIA Contract Documents - A201 (this is important to read through thoroughly before the exam), A7011, C401, A305, G701, G702, G703, G704, G710, G711, G714, G716
AIA Archi Prep (you have to be an associate AIA member to sign up for this $35 fee) - this was the best for standard test questions (no case study exams) - I found this very helpful for the AIA documents. https://www.aia.org/resources/6109972-archiprep
Building Construction Illustrated - I focused on chapters 3 and 7
On to Programming and Analysis! Good luck with your studies!
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