Schiff Hardin - Hanahan Lectures - Where Did They Go?
Where did the Schiff Hardin lectures go? I was using them in 2019 in prep for PcM and PjM, but now all of a sudden I cannot find them online and I only receive an Error Page Not Found message on his website. Did he take them down from his website? I really hope not! :(
You can find with pdf here.
Hello Joel,
I have clicked on several links in the PjM posts and I get the same error message every time. See below.
For all those looking for the latest "Schiff Harding Lectures" or more accurately Michael Hanahan's Arch Professional Practice Lectures, he has moved them to his new firm's website. January 2021 lectures are available:
Scroll down the page to the dropdown titled: "Professional Practice II / Architecture 544 Lectures."
I found them on Youtube.
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