Amber Video partners (4 people needed to get discount)
Hey Gina,
If you send me the info for your group members I can contact Amber on your behalf. This would get you the group discount, an additional discount on top of that and I can give you the enrollment codes immediately, instead of waiting for Amber.
Hey Canyon,
Think I just answered some of your questions in that email response to Gina a few minutes ago. For the rest, what's in it for me is that I get an referral commission for helping to facilitate the group and ease some of the email traffic over at Amber.
I don't do anything with your email addresses...don't sell them, don't put you on any lists, nothing but send you the enrollment info, then they live in my outbox. If you have visited my site or purchased something from me you may be on one of my email lists, but that is completely separate from this process.
I made this following spreadsheet to help people find groups without having to email back and forth and post new forum threads. This has more info about the Amber Book pricing, and once a group fills you can see I remove all the email addresses:
Hi, I am interested. Please email me at Thanks!
Hi, I will join to get the Amber Book group discount. Thank you,
Hi, I am interested. Please email me at Thanks!
Hello, I was just looking at this on their website. I am interested in joining the group. Email me at Thanks!
Me too.
Hi All,
Gina, Canyon, Alexander, Sara, and Allen.I'm sorry you might have missed the lastest email I sent to Amber last Friday. I'll try adding you both, but if not, go ahead and start your own thread for more partners. You only need 6, so it won't be too hard. Reach out in the PPD section as well. There two others interested in signing up for Amber. Hopefully, you can connect with them as well!
Hi, I am interested. Please email me at Thanks!
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