Practice Exam Question - Which room HOA should renovate to upgrade for after-school classroom


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    Galchenko12 (Edited )

    My approach on the actual exam would be the following:
    Total budget = 26,000
    Workstations budget: 10x 2,000 = 20,000
    Remaining budget: 26,000 - 20,000 = 6,000
    Renovation budget is 20.00 per sf. max, so the maximum square footage is 6,000 / 20 = 300 sf
    Now, let’s look at the diagram and find out what fits within this budget: lobby is 309 (exceeds allowable sq footage), business center is 302 (still over budget), gym is 362. Ballroom is under 300 but is too small so our only remaining choice is the dining room. Check that the dining room meets all other requirements (exterior window). Yes, it does. Click dining room and move on.


    p.s. I would not spend any time on the actual exam trying to arrange the workstations because dining room is our only choice. 

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