Multiple Choice for Project Management



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    It's good that you have an understanding of the subjects, and it wouldn't hurt to brush up on the topics again in preparation for your retake. The best way to make sure you don't get tripped up is knowing the material. If you know those questions will give you trouble, flag them and come back to them later.

    Knowing the material and what the question is specifically looking for will help in simplifying your choices to pick from. Utilize the markup features that are provided, as they'll help you to keep your process of thought and why you arrive at certain answers vs others. For me, it helped to highlight how many selections I needed so I would not forget one or pick extra over how many the questions were asking for, good luck!

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    Thomas Battjes

    In my opinion, these exams are very much about reading and comprehension. They require you to be clear-headed and break questions down to their most simple terms.  I have always struggled with doing just that.

    I would quickly skim the answers first, before even reading the question.  Sometimes one or two will stand out as being suspect. Once you jump into the question you are privy to what they are asking and can focus more on the topic. 

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