As-designed record drawings



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    Basic services covered in the standard B101 encompasses the architect's duties from SD through CA. Once the building is occupied and the final app for payment is signed off, the architect's duties are completed to that extent that was agreed upon with the owner. To employ the architect to record as-built drawings as they were constructed is a new set of drawings and information to compile and not included in the basic services outlined in the agreement.

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    Thanks for your answer Anthony. I understand that as-built drawings are usually created after construction and it's usually part of additional service. My understanding of "as-designed record drawings" is that it represents the intended design, isn't it similar to construction documents or the same?

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    Construction documents are what was issued for bid and what the GC uses to build the project. That is the intended design agreed to and bound by the contracts and agreements of the project.

    As-built drawings document known changes to the CD set through addendum, revision, change order, etc. and would capture the constructed product as its been known/tracked through the duration of construction by the GC/architect.

    Record drawings would be a new set compiled of the building as it stands by the architect, and would exclude the information through construction as revisions, etc. presenting itself differently than the as-built/CD sets, since it would require those "existing"/built conditions to be captured of the final built product.

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    Thanks, Anthony! This is helpful, I really appreciate it.

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