ARE Live: PPD Mock Exam (11/13/24 at 12PM CT)



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    Dianna Montzka (Edited )

    I have a follow-up question for Christopher Hopstock - Question 3 in the mock exam was about using up all of the allowable area given in the question, and the answer was doing so with a mezzanine. However, when I look at mezzanines in IBC chapter 5, it says that mezzanines do not contribute to the building area or the number of stories. Is the word choice 'building area' in the code different than 'allowable area'? Thank you!

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    Christopher Hopstock

    Hi Dianna - thanks so much for tuning in and for the question!

    The question we were discussing was talking about using all of the zoning floor area (ZFA) in the project.  In my experience, mezzanines always contribute to ZFA.  If they didn't, effectively every project could be built about 33% larger than allowed by zoning, assuming you could fit a mezzanine in every floor.

    Chris Hopstock RA
    Black Spectacles
    ARE Community

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    Dianna Montzka

    Ahh, I see. That makes sense, thanks for the clarification! 

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