Failed PCM a second time



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    Thomas Battjes

    From my experience and opinion based on your current strategy-

    Schedule that PCM exam and retake it as soon as you can. Study for it 3ish weeks before. You already know the content since you passed PJM / CE and should not waste retained knowledge that will dissolve over time.

    To me, PCM is more about reading comprehension, working with the whiteboard, and time management.  I think it's the toughest exam that needs one to be clear-headed and be able to break down questions into the simplest terms to identify what they are asking. Almost zen-like. You could start to study for PA between now and the 3ish week PCM study time.

    Take the NCARB practice exams.  They are most helpful of any study material IMO

    Do quick googles and youtubes of terminology.  I found there are a lot of different names for the same term floating around on study materials and the exams. Especially with professional practice tests.

    Do you utilize the Amberbook flashcards? I found them to be invaluable.

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    I'd say to re-schedule PCM and knock out the pro-practice exams first before committing your study time and mind to all the technical exams and terminologies. 

    Ease into the study routine, some light reading and brushing up for the first 30 days, set up a plan and path up to your exam date (identify areas to improve, strengths, what you didn't know/needed more attention on). Start ramping up and honing into the thick of things for PCM a month out from the exam date. Go section by section and get a grasp of the content again. Even a week off can throw you off and mess up your momentum: it's best to keep on the gas while you're in that groove and the material is still fresh.

    I'm studying for my re-take now after failing the first time. I'm using AHPP and AIA contracts as my primary study resources, creating physical flash cards to memorize and study/grasp the content and materials better, especially the formulas. Also utilizing Desk Crits and some of the practice exams - paid and free (NCARB, WeARE, etc.)

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