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    Manuel Ignacio Granja Carbo

    I think that the books are not enough. You should try AmberBook 1 or 2 months and put all exams a week apart.

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    Michelle Simoni

    Yes do Amber Book! I failed PA too many times to admit until I took this course. It is the only thing that I used to pass 4 of the exams, PcM PjM CE PPD (on my first try)! Go through the entire course and take your own notes even if it ends up being multiple pages long. You are probably forgetting the material because you weren't understanding the core concepts so run it over again until you know them inside out. Writing your own notes, in your own words and reviewing them will absolutely help with this :)

    Even the NCARB practice exams can be tricky I had this issue with PA. I recommend to thoroughly go over every question, include anything you don't understand in your notes then review them and take the exam again.  It won't be as telling taking it multiple times but it will help solidify the concepts. Anything that you don't understand thoroughly look it up in another source.

    If you do decide to take Amber Book, which I highly recommend, do not forget to do the flashcards and to go over every question and answer thoroughly for the Amber Book practice exams. Look up a discount code for Amber Book which can drop the price to $240. I hope this help! You can do this!

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    Yuchen Wen

    Hi Michelle, thank you for your advice. where can I possibly find a discount code for AB?

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    Michelle Simoni

    Start here. That is where I got it. Reach out to young architect directly if all else fails. https://are5community.ncarb.org/hc/en-us/community/posts/4414607764119-Getting-a-discount-on-Amber-Book-from-Young-Architect-was-easy

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    Rumbidzai Kawadza

    I will also suggest the Hyperfine Architecture courses. These really helped me with PA and PPD, and giving me a sense of covering all the topics, and understanding concepts that I needed. In the courses you get even more resources about whatever the assignment is about.
    Site Planning and Design Handbook, is a good resource for PA.
    Amber Book is great to get a sense of the overall content so I have enjoyed that as well.

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    Manuel Ignacio Granja Carbo

    I agree the site planning and design is very important for PA and PPD.

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