Width and Capacity (Egress)



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    Manuel Ignacio Granja Carbo

    The minimum is 36". Usually in ARE exams, if they ask, they will give you the occupancy load, or the area to calculate the occupancy load.

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    Yulin Peng (Edited )

    Seconding above, agree and think it best to pay close attention to the Question (as I increasingly find the answers themselves embedded in the questions' wording): what's the occupant load? Is it sprinklered or not?

    For less than 50 people, stairway should be a minimum of 36"; if more than 50 people, a minimum of 44".

    With this in mind, I would double check by multiplying the occupant load x .2 or .3 (as stipulated by the given) to make sure it doesn't exceed 36" / 44" and if so to go with the greater number for the final answer.

    For other components of means of egress, the min width would be the occupant load x .15.

    Hope this would suffice to solve this type of questions!

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