Soil Confusion
I haven't seen any textbook or study aid address this yet - I get so confused when "silty sand" or "clayey sand" or other soil mixtures are thrown around in soil reports. I'm sure there are other variations but how are you determining where these mixtures land on bearing capacity levels, etc.
In the soil report, coulmn for “ Blows per 6 “ , the result of Standard Penetration Test ( SPT ) will reveal the soil bearing capacity, Blows / FT will explain how the soli can support building relative to soil depth & how expensive it can be. For instance with Auger Fefusal or the presense of bedrock the excavation for basement likely to be prohibitively expensive.
Avery, that’s a GREAT question….watch this video and I promise you will own this concept…
-Michael Ermann
Amber Book creator
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