CE Exam Study Material for construction detail
Hello All,
I passed my PJM and I would like to Study for CE exam. would you please help me with study material for CE exam specifically for construction detail and specification. I am totally lost for these two areas and I am not sure what to study and how to study. thank you
They do! It's a free library of articles to browse through here: https://www.procore.com/library
Again, most of it is coming at it from a GC's perspective and mindset, but decent overlap with the concepts presented to architects and overall project management involving all parties. It also helps to see it from the perspective of the builder and understand their line of thinking/processes for projects.
Utilize AHPP as your primary resource. Check the ARE Handbook for additional resources like books and AIA contracts (A201, A101, G-series) that relate to the construction phase of the project.
Additionally, Procore has a good amount of articles in relation to construction phase work - they may be more tailored towards the contractor's perspective, but it helps see the big picture of the work involved and processes followed.
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