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    Manuel Ignacio Granja Carbo

    Hi, I'm in the NCARB practice exam. Why is the answer only Freezer storage room and Ventilated attic space and not also AIRPLANE HANGARS? 

    My only reasoning is to assume that most of the AIPLANE HANGARS are heated spaces, and the only answers that were specified to be cold were Ventilated attic and Freezer storage rooms.

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    Airplane hangars require special fire suppression foam because of the extreme flammability of jet fuel. The foam sucks the oxygen out of the room to starve the fire, hopefully before the explosion….it can even make it hard to breathe if people are in enclosed spaces during tests…you’ll want to watch this short video of a suppression system test https://youtu.be/q9ks-AX9qrY?si=CRwbSGUkbirIKUax

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