PDD did not show provisional feedback



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    Hi one time I had the same problem, and I contacted support of ncarb. They assure me that is impossible, since having this mistake would be like having an exam with 98 questions is a very linear program and impossible to show different patterns. After that I have had 4 more exams, now I read very slowly the paragraph after you click the bottom Right button "if you want to see the provisional score", in all those cases I have seen my provisional results "Likely pass or Likely Fail".  So, what it thinks is that after been very stressed and tired after the exam people click fast waiting for big Fail or Pass as others free practice tests like NCARB free practice tests or others.  Probably ncarb should highlight the word FAIL o PASS in order to avoid future misunderstood. Hope I helped you and I wish you a positive result for your test.

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    Farrah Elamir

    Hi, this happened to me for my PPD test. I clicked provisional results and it never showed me the screen. I had to wait 10 days for my official report but I did PASS

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    Tomas Suarez

    Thank you for the information, greatly appreciated. Good luck if you still have any remaining exams!!

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