I failed the PPD exam again, this time I failed the Code and Regulations sections, and I don't know why. I think that I am good with code. I don't know how to prepare for this section. Please help.
Thank you.
Hi Izabela Toma,
I'm so sorry to hear about your PPD exam result. I also did not pass PPD during my ARE journey, and I understand how disappointing it can be.
Codes & Regulations is a tricky aspect of the exam, as it's not just about understanding the content, but also knowing how to navigate code sections to find information quickly. While you don't need to memorize code chapters and sections, it might be helpful to have a general idea of where to find crucial information (i.e. Table 1004.5 identifies the occupant load factor for different spaces, Table 504.3 outlines allowable heights for each construction type, etc.). Utilizing the search tool on case study resources is also key in finding information quickly; I recommend that you practice searching for key words with practice exams so that you are comfortable with the process on the real exam.
Don't forget that the case study resources (i.e. code excerpts) might also help you answer non-case study questions. Just be sure you answer (and double-check) questions you've already seen prior to taking a break.
Always remember that when more than one code is relevant, the most stringent code will take precedence.
Hope this helps. Keep your head up, and I know you will pass your next exam!
Best of luck -
Kiara Galicinao, AIA, NCARB
Black Spectacles
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