Has anyone given PA as the first Exam?



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    Michelle Simoni

    I would highly recommend not doing PA first. This is one of the most complex exams in my opinion.  I would recommend doing this order. Or save PA for last. You can look up a video of Amber Book for more explanation. Also, I passed the first three exams by doing amber book only. So if you want to save time and money I highly recommend this route! Best of luck!

    1. Practice Management (PcM)
    2. Project Management (PjM)
    3. Construction & Evaluation (CE)
    4. Programming & Analysis (PA)
    5. Project Planning & Design (PPD)
    6. Project Design & Documentation (PDD)
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    Manuel Ignacio Granja Carbo (Edited )

    Start in the recommended order above. And be prepared to solve all the math content

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    Rebekka O'Melia (Edited )

    Hi Charmi,

    I do not recommend taking PA first.  It's a difficult exam, with a pass rate of around 50%.  Unless you are a landscape architect or civil engineer; it's a poor strategy.

    Take CE or PjM first.  They are much easier and it'll give you a confidence boost.  I also would NOT take PcM first.  Its pass rate is also around 50%.  Hope this helps!

    Best regards,



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    Manuel Ignacio Granja Carbo

    I think PCM is by far the easear exam. It doesn’t have a high passing rate because is the exam that 95% do at the first time which include people who did not prepare, for the others exams people usually take after. PCM has very little content, some people fail because they think , no way they are going to make me this math questions, yes they will. So for PCM study the content and practice the exam and learn deeply the math.

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    I studied everything as a whole for a bit, then start with the technical exams first. I took PDD first and didn't pass. PA was my second exam - passed on the 2nd attempt. I spent 3 months for the PA alone (1.5 months of intense study for the first attempt and 1.5 months of loose study for the second attempt). I am taking PPD and retaking PDD next month.

    What is your experience in the field? I have been in the field for almost 10 years and I feel far more excited about technical stuff than pro practice and I have been genuinely having fun studying for these technical exams. That's why I'm going this route. 

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