Study Materials for ARE 5.0
Is anyone selling books or video's or classes for prepping for the ARE exams?? I am interested in purchasing.
Hi Reagan Bray,
Congratulations on getting this process started! Setting out on this endeavor, in itself, is a huge step. It can be an overwhelming and intimidating process - I remember how nervous I was to dive into the material and wasn't sure where to begin. You are now part of a supportive and encouraging architectural community, and we are all excited to cheer you on towards becoming a licensed architect!
As a very first step, I recommend reviewing the ARE 5.0 Guidelines. This handy document will give you an overview of the content areas/objectives that each exam covers, as well as general information for how the ARE works. Check out page 114 -133 for specific resources that NCARB uses to create exam content. Be sure to stay updated with NCARB, as they frequently update their processes and policies in this document are subject to change.
Once you understand what you will be tested on, it is important to recognize how you best learn. The ARE tests your understanding of concepts and how you apply them in different scenarios, rather than your ability to memorize information. You can then determine which types of study materials would be most appropriate for you (i.e. books, videos, podcasts, flashcards, group learning, practice exams, etc.). A combination of all the above is ideal, as various types of materials work together to deepen your understanding of a topic.
If I can be of further assistance to you along your ARE journey, don't hesitate to reach out!
Good luck :)
Kiara Galicinao, AIA, NCARB
Black Spectacles
ARE Community -
Hi, Reagan. I'm selling my PSI study materials, which you can read about here:
I'd be willing to ship to you if you're not local to DC for an additional charge.
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