PSI test Center Experience


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    Hi Palak Shah,

    I'm sorry to hear that you had a negative experience at your test center. I can imagine it would only add to the stress you already have of taking a very difficult exam. I hope that your exam results turn out well in return!

    Have you considered Online Proctoring? I did not go to any test centers and instead took all of my exams at home through Online Proctoring; I highly recommend it. I was worried about encountering these same issues you did, as I felt it would affect my actual exam performance and I did not want to take that risk. I liked that I did not have to get ready to leave the house, commute to a test center, be thrown into an unfamiliar environment, and generally be extra stressed/uncomfortable - all while having to remember/apply the tremendous amount of information I had been studying months for. I did encounter several technical issues for all of my exams (which likely could also happen in a test center), but all were able to be resolved quickly by the proctor and I was able to successfully complete my exam each time. 

    If you are interested and have the ability to test at home (or work, or other suitable environment), check out pages 26 - 35 of the ARE 5.0 Guidelines for more information about Online Proctoring. Keep in mind that certain testing accommodations are not supported for online-proctored exams; see page 18.

    I hope this helps, and that you have a better testing experience next time.

    Best wishes to you!

    Kiara Galicinao, AIA, NCARB
    Black Spectacles
    ARE Community

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