ICC A117.1-2017 vs 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design - Different Dimensions
The 2017 edition of the ICC A117.1 increased the dimensions for clear floor spaces and turning diameters in response to an increase in motorized and power-assisted mobility devises. These standards in the 2017 edition for new construction are different than those in ANSI's 2009 edition of the ICC A117.1 and those in DOJ's 2010 Standards for Accessible Design. Does this mean I will get a question marked wrong if I indicate, for example, that the minimum accessible turning diameter is 67" minimum as required by the ICC A117.1-2017 edition, rather than 60" minimum as required by the ICC A117.1-2009 edition, and the 2010 ADA Standards? The Architect Registration Examination 5.0 Guidelines updated August 1, 2024 lists both the ICC A117.1-2017 edition and the DOJ's 2010 Standards for Accessible Design as Study Resources on page 118, both these standards don't have matching dimensions. The state in which I work in was not required to design any buildings in accordance with the 2017 edition so long as the drawings were in for permit to the AHJ before April 1, 2022, so I am assuming this is not readily obvious across the country yet? Did every question on PA, PDD, and PPD that references standard accessibility dimensions minimums or maximums get revised? Is this just a matter of updating the reference documents for the case study questions, if this would be too specific to ask on a standard question?
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