Exam Division Passing Approach
If one has to wait 6 month to retake an exam, should one study the failed exam for 6 months or test earlier in attempt to pass another division exam?
MBBisLIC I'm sorry to hear that you did not pass your exam. I understand how disappointing it can be, but know that you are not alone. It is just a little bump in the road, but you will overcome it!
I agree with claytonyoung to forge ahead and tackle another exam. PcM has quite a bit of overlap with PjM and CE, so either of those would be a great one to move on to. Check out pages 115-117 of the ARE 5.0 Guidelines for an overview of which references overlap with which divisions.
After not passing PPD, I moved onto PDD and was able to pass it on my first attempt. I feel that taking a step back and switching gears helps to refresh your mind, reset your focus, and put the content into a new perspective. I was then able to pass PPD on the retake, and I attribute it to what I gained from studying and testing PDD. The best part is that you aren't starting over; you are only reinforcing the material you have already been learning, while gaining more. When you come back to PcM, you will have more knowledge and experience than you did the first time and will no doubt, pass it on your next attempt.
I hope this helps. Keep your head up, and good luck :)
Kiara Galicinao, AIA, NCARB
Black Spectacles
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