PPD Practice Exam Q - Case Study



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    You’re thinking too logically. That is the problem with a lot of the q and a. You have to answer them based on the information given, not what practice says is a better solution.

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    Manuel Ignacio Granja Carbo

    Read the information.

    1 client needs and the intersection with the

    2 zoning and/or building regulations.

    What about Solar Orientation landscape and green stuff that I study for my exam? Forget that in the study cases and apply them Only you are ask for it.

    The client asks for the most sustainable approach, there is specific information from zooning about special rain control or erosion protection, there is specific information about water harvesting, etc. etc. NEVER assume and remember there is always an objective and very clear answer for the study cases, the reasoning is easy the hard part is to find the text, you just need to find it.


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