What is searchable and what is not in Case Studies for Construction & Evaluation?



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    Kevin Shapiro

    I have had varying luck with using ctrl+f rather than the search icon in the software which is surprising. Whether this works for room numbers I cannot remember. Your question has me wondering two things;

    1. Are you taking the test at a testing facility or remotely using the psi BRIDGE software?
    2. Were the case study drawing sets lagging for you? - I was dumbfounded at how difficult navigating the CE case study drawing sets were. If anyone has any tips about this, I am all ears. The amount of zoom required to get a legible resolution coupled with the amount of sheets that you need to sift through is laggy and arduous. I am wondering if you or others experienced this too, or if it is the fault of my computer. 

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    Kevin - I had taken my first CE exam a few weeks ago at a PSI center, and I share the sentiment regarding the awful loading of the CE case study drawings. Very slow, laggy after zooming in/out. It didn't feel effective having to zoom out just to safely navigate from page to page and then zooming back in to find what I'm looking for, all while hoping the computer doesn't crash or the exam drops out on me.

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